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Kwick Kwestion on Kw-Turbo

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

NoBody wants to answer my question:( hehe ok well i got another.. would it be better if i just moved the turbo from an 85'300zxt or just swaped the engines? is one better then the other or anything. thinks guys. i have a 1980 280zx. ok any info would be great




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It is the same turbo, except the down pipe section is different that a 280 one. You will need the waste gate actuator from a 280 and you will have to reclock the turbo. You can also plumb the water for it, which I would recommend, although most shops will tell you that you can leave it unplumbed if you like.

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Guest Anonymous

will the down pipe set me back? are the expencive or what? thanks for the info!

lockjaw what add ons have you done with your turbo z. and around how much have you paid? aiight thanks!


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