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wireless sensor systems that measure temperature & humidity, 24/7


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Hello all


Anyone who is having issues with too high humidity in their garage causing damage to their cars, I found this very cool wireless tool/gadget made by a new start up company called Sensorist. They produce a range of wireless sensors that measure temperature and humidity. The measurements are collected 24/7 online and can be accessed forever. Unlike traditional thermometers, they offer data visualizations, trends, full history and custom alarms - on their website or App. You can get a detailed view of what’s going on - even when you are not around. You can set an alarm so you get a notification if the humidity goes above or below your optimal humidity level. Plus, there is an App, so you can keep an eye on it even when you are not at home.


Their product can help with issues like these:


  • Too high humidity: Rusting is generally not a problem with 55-60% humidity level. Their sensors constantly measure humidity. Set your sensor so you receive a push notification or email if the humidity level goes over 55%
  • Too high humidity: If the humidity level is over 60-70% the risk of mold and rotting increases dramatically. Generally it is the leather that will pay the price first. With a T/H sensor in the garage or even better - have one also placed inside the car, so you can constantly measure the humidity level and follow its development.
  • Too low humidity: If the humidity level is under 40%, you risk your fine leather and wood cracking, drying out and deteriorating. Set your sensor to a minimum of 40% and get a push notification when the limit is reached.


It' s super cool. You can check out their website here: http://sensorist.com

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