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Call to those who still have your L6 head CFM sheets...


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Ok, the topic came up in another post,(where I entertained others with my buffonery). I already have some other peoples head airflow data, plus my own. I have been compling them together for a while trying to post on my site for others to compare. (and for those asking right now, I currently only have access to my own P-90A numbers. I just moved and stuff is everywhere, packed and unpacked).

If you have your flow sheets from your head, past or present, could you send it to me? Scan it in, write the figures, anything will do.

The caviot to this project, and it will be clearly posted, is no two airflow machines are alike. You can pull data from one superflow bench and do the exact same on another and get two different readings.

When you send or post the info, could you please include the inches of water it was done at? (25, 27, 29, etc..).


Important info to include,(as much as you can):


Head: i.e. N-42, E-88, etc..


Valve size: Stock, 1mm oversize, etc..


Porting done: pocket only, port matching only, full blown shiny surface job, etc..


Chamber mods: unshrouded, none, etc..


The inches of water the test was performed at:

27 inches, 29 inches, etc..


And the lift/flow figures and anything else you feel is important.

If your lazy and just want to scan it and send it, that's fine too.


Again, these are not to be used to compare your specifc head, but rather to give you an idea of different heads and how different mods affected them. And just b/c I have certain figures for a P-90A, doesn't mean someone else will, or that if you can't get that much yours isn't as good. It is merely a reference.


PS- I've got my engine builder searching through his files to see if he can find his race E-88 head data. Ought to be interesting if he can find it. Side note on that GT-2 motor. He didn't know about the P-90 head when he built it. Tried very hard to remove the liners in the P-79 and make it better than the E-88. He had no luck at all. He chose the E-88 b/c of the small chamber to start with allowed him big leeway in chamber design. Plus he had cut several heads up to see where he could take metal and not.

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