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Found a way to reduce the weight of my Jag V-12 by about 20 pounds or so. Bought a gazillion cans of engine degreaser and carb cleaner, various bristle brushes. After two days of scrubbing, spraying, scrubbing, spraying, scrubbing, cussing, spraying, I have managed to remove about 20 pounds of caked on sludge and grit from the outside of the block. Managed to strip most of the paint off of my engine hoist as well. Finally starting to look like an engine instead of an ashtray now. icon_biggrin.gif

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No, havent had a chance to weigh it yet. Where would I be able to find a scale that would handle 500 or 600 lbs? I'm guessing right now that it has to be well over 500 lbs. Trying to lift it by hand causes you to make that "Hernia Warning" noise from somewhere deep in your gut. I realize that building this car for autocross is out of the question, unless I butcher the firewall and set the engine back about a foot or so. I suppose I could mount cupholders on the rear of each cylider head..... I'm really going for more of a "whoa, cool" factor than anything else right now. As long as it hauls ass on the freeway I think I'll be happy. flamedevil.gif

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Wow, 680 lbs was alittle more than I was expecting, I wonder if that figure includes the starter (40 lbs approx) or fuel injection (I'm guessing about 20 lbs heavier than carbs for the stock Jag setup). I'm sure I can find ways to shed some weight from this thing, It will never be as light as a ford or chevy though. The weight will also be further forward in the chassis and slightly higher above C/G due to the OHC. As long as traveling from point "A" to point "B" occurs along a fairly straight line, no problem.

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Guest Anonymous

ya know if this is not for an everyday car you should strip heat and ac and make custom aluminum brackets for minimum acc. needed. (alt and power steering pump)

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I'm still at the beginning stages, so no pictures worth posting yet. Once I start fabricating intake and exhaust parts for the motor I'll try to get some pics posted. The engine is going into my '72 240 Z, should make for an interesting conversion. I'll make drawings for all the parts I have to fab, just on the off chance that somone else will want to do a Jag conversion. The cost of the motor was $189.00 from a junkyard, The internals look good enough to run without a rebuild, although I'm going to probably do one anyway since its already on a stand. I think by using modified parts from domestic engines and by fabricating a lot of my own parts I can keep the costs within reasonable limits.

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Guest Anonymous

Not one to point out the obvious, but sometimes the obvious solutions escape me, so I'll offer it for what it is worth. How about putting the engine in the back of a pickup, drive out to a Petro or an ag scale, get the weight, then weigh the empty truck?

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I'm going with the absolute minimum on this engine, alternator only. I'm going to attempt to replace the original starter with a gear reduction unit. I'm going to modify a Toyota Supra 5 speed tranny to fit up to the engine, I'll just make it fit a new starter while I'm at it. I suppose I could throw it back in the truck and go drive over some scales, I think there are some at the landfill out here. My freinds ford ranger barked like a herniated mule when we hauled it home from the junkyard, dont know if I want to try that again. Should be a good indication of the weight of the engine though:

Really friggin heavy. I think I'll just end up weighing each part as I tear down the engine, just add up the weights later.

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