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VIN ????

Guest Zachb55

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Guest Zachb55

Ive got a 72 240Z and i went to one of those places online where you can enter your vin and it tells you the car history, i think it was the one in association with autotrader. I tried entering the number that was on the dash, but this didnt seem like most other VIN #'s, after i said GO the thing said its an invalid VIN # twak.gif , Whats up with it?

My VIN is HLS30-98260, this is the number where a vin would normally be, but it doesnt look right to me, is this th right one? or is it something else? please help!!!

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Most of the VIN checking web sites only work with the type of VIN number the US government standardized around 1980. Before then an auto manufacturer could issue whatever they wanted as a VIN number. The HLSxxx is correct for your Z.

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Guest Zachb55

ok, thanks, thats good news, kinda. I have another problem though... when i bought the car, I got a non-driven car title for the state of california, because the owner here just never got it to the point of wanting to change it. Now i dont have the title and the licensing office here says i need to get ahold of the last licensed owner and get his permision to have it titled in my state. Ive got two big problems though, i cant find the guy's phone number anywhere... ive searched all over online and cant find it. Also, my mom tried calling the DMV and they say they dont have it registered in their system, but i think they must have messed up or aomething, i need to call them again. you dont think they cant find anything on it because of the old vin right? Oh yeah, the last registered owner is a person named Charlie Partyka, if you know this person, living in the northern L.A. area, please give me some info on contacting him. well i thought i would just give that a try, Thanks for any help.



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