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L24 pully and belt?


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Hi I have a problem. I bought a 240z and it had ac when I bought it but I can't use the ac so I have removed it. 


I can't find any info on it except that there is a fan belt but as I don't have the original fan do I still need that belt? 


What pullys am I supposed to use and what belts do I need? 


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At minimum, you need a belt for your alternator and water pump (where the fan bolts onto). In this case, it looks like you are missing the water pump pulley. The belt will go around the rearmost groove on the crank and line up with the other two parts.


You can do without the mechanical fan, but that would require an electric fan and control system as a replacement and from what I've seen that's more trouble than it's worth for most people.

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