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Turbo motor break in.. how????

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Guest Anonymous

I'm not sure on a turbo motor, sense would say keep the boost low or non-existant until the EFI is sorted out and its broken in.


Break ins... geez theres two schools of thought, some say take it easy no heavy throttle pressure and vary the speed of the engine and don't lug it.


The other group says break it in like you want it to run.


I'm for something in the middle. You don't cruise constant speed, do vary the speed, after getting a little bit of time on the engine and checking the gauges I get in the gas a bit more, half throttle run ups but limit the RPM and then let it coast back down in gear. That will load the rings in one way and then load them differently when you let off and decelerate. I do that several times and then cruise it for a bit varying the rpms over the next several engine hours I slowly get into the gas more but limit the RPM still. I run straight 30 weight for break-in and then change it at 500 miles and then by 1000 miles change it again and put in the oil you want to use permanently. This is pretty much the drill GM uses on its engines, and I doubt the break in would be different for any other engine. Get some opinions and do it however you feel comfortable is the bottom line. Congrats on getting it running by the way, thats awesome.


Best regards,



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Evan, just drive the car normal and try to constantly vary the load within the 1st few hundred miles. Don't do a long constant highway drive as that is said to be bad for seating the rings. Most likely the rings will seat instantly. As far as boost goes, set it to its lowest point, 6-9psi. It is ok to see boost, but do not take the motor over about 5K and try to keep the boost low if possible. Remember, you don't buy a factory turbo car from the dealer and not boost on it when you are taking your test drive. Just be nice to it for about 500miles and then it is yours to jam on.

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