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IMSA flare photos wanted!!!!

Guest Drewz

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I am looking for photos of the IMSA type flares as I have the option of getting some but I can't find any pic's of them on a car. Anyone got a link for me??? Thanks!! burnout.gifburnout.gifcheers.gif

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Guest Anonymous

Rick B. Have always been impressed by your car. What are the rear view mirrors? Did not realize you had the tilt frontend. I strongly suspect that tilt front end may have been designed by Rick Hammond that did the Origin convertible kit. He was behind the Vello Rossa tilt frontend developement and worked at Arizona Z and for John Washington at Vello Rossa. Your side vents were his. I have a set that I made molds from. No wonder the vents looked strangely familar. I never saw them on a car before. Look right at home on a Z like they were made for it.

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Mirrors are cheap Vitaloni "Californians". Always liked the looks but just a bit small.

Ever since I first saw a one-piece on a Z I wanted one. Very nice for wrenching on the front -which I do a lot of. Ive made it so that the whole thing removes with no tools, just flip the 4 hood pins, unplug the headlights pull 4 hairpins, and lift off. I used small gas struts to act as stops for the hinge action. Attracts a lot of attention at Z gatherings, probably the reason my dinged-up and dirty car won best of show in the first one it entered.

The AZCar front end caught my attention because of the louvered panels. You're right, it looks like they belong.

When I received the part, I almost sent it back on the spot because of very poor quality and fit.

I had never worked fiberglass before, but went to work trying to make this thing fit and be sturdy enough.

After 4 months of spare time lost, I had strengthened the basic piece, fabricated hinges, bonded in fiberglass flares and headlight buckets, and made the whole thing fit after a fashion (An astute observer will notice that the left and right wheel arches have different shapes). I was working in a friend's body shop and the professionals there were ridiculing my early efforts - but were more respectful when the car was finished.

Since then I have sworn that I'll NEVER do another project like that again, but... maybe now that I've done it once.... Nahhhhhhh.

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I presonally don't like the IMSA flare look but the moulding in of the front air dam and the dark color help blend them in REAL nicely. I love the car but I am going in a slightly diff. direction. I DARE YOU to do another!!! hehehe. If this was a first attempt than imagine what the skill and knowledge you have gained could produce just like BlueovalZ. burnout.gifburnout.gif

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Drew,I had another '77 that got wrecked - that one had the other flares from MSA- the bubble looking ones that showed some tire. That car looked pretty good with the MSA airdam, side, and rear skirts. I just wanted to do something different with this one.

Unbelieveable is the amount of variety in the cars on this forum - all kinds of tastes.

Len, aren't we all nuts here?

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Although I find the flares too much for my veiw of my car they go perfect with the overall look and color you picked out. My car will be a blood red candy. I am going to try for the anodized blood red color I love soo much. The look of your car flows so well. The whole thing is such a nice package and the surprise tilt front end is really the final touch. You guage setup is what I am going for, on the other hand. Did you remove the dash to install them or not?? Real nice job!! 2thumbs.gif2thumbs.gif

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The three guages in the stock center locations are Autometer 2-5/8" mounted in the stock guages' housings. The tach and speedo are a snug press fit in 4" pvc pipe sections (ID machined out slightly) glued into the stock holes. I did hit the dash with a hole saw for the Voltmeter, that small 2" guage to the left of the center cluster.

You don't have to take the dash apart - just remove the stock guages and you'll see what's needed to install the new ones.

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I am a bit perplexed by this thread and the style of flare here being referred to as "IMSA". Reviewing MSA's catalog I can see the flares labeled as "IMSA", but every early reference I have ever seen referring to IMSA flares and style kits on early Z cars look more like white car shown above. I photographed and brokered that car for sale many years ago and at the time the owner advertised it as a "IMSA" Z car. Pretty much that car is the same style as Hoover's red "IMSA" G-nose car featured at my website 2 years ago.


I am wondering whether MSA may have taken some "liberties" in naming their flares "IMSA" after all the IMSA race cars disappeared from the racing spotlight as if possibly current day owners might not know the difference? I don't claim to be well informed about the history of the IMSA look, but Rick Bower's car , as great as it looks in the photos, does not strike me as having the "IMSA" look. Anybody know more?


btw, Rick, great looking car. Hope I can put my lens on it someday. Bet I could show you your car like you've never seen it before in photos. NICE!

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You're right - those flares are only called "IMSA" by MSA and others who have sold that style.

I'm planning to try and install the ones similar to those you've shown sometime in the distant future to get wider tires on. That will happen when the car is repainted. I have really beat up this car with careless wrenching and stupid shop incidents. Looks good from 10Ft, however.

I really do need to take some glamour shots - My photography for the web site has been crude to say the least.

If I ever get some basic engineering problems straightened out, maybe the car will have some more photo ops.

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That is just a diff. sized flare that is called IMSA. I have seen a couple IMSA's such as that one above but it is more extreme than Rick's. More of a style than one specific flare I think. 2thumbs.gif

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Guest Carlissimo

Datsun Z cars were popular in 2 different classes in IMSA racing in the 70's, GTU and C-Production. The flares on the white car above look like GTU flares. The ones on Ricks car look like C-Production flares. We could probably dig up some pictures of Bob Sharp's cars that he and Paul Newman used to drive. Bottom line...both types are "IMSA" flares.

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