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Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Where can I find Fiberglass Body parts? Custom Hoods? and nice aero kits? for an '83 280zx....I know it's kind of off the subject too, but how hard would it be to change the color of the interior?


Thanks a lot guys

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Color change is difficult with all the plastic and vinyl unless you get whole panels I don't suggest painting them as it doesn't last real long. As far as fiberglass parts there are a few I have the links for 1 or 2 hmmmmmmm.....lets see...... http://www.reactionresearch.com/ http://showcars-bodyparts.com/ http://www.zparts.com/

Hope this gets you started in the right direction!! Good luck!!

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Infumus -


I second Drew on Reaction Research. I have a kit from John Washington and his stufff is great quality and he really stands behind his stuff.


If he doesn't have what you want - he can probably point you in the right direction.


He is also active on the board here from time to time so he may respond to this as well.



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Although I have never personally dealt with John at VR I hear endless stories about quality product and customer service out the ying yang. It is hard to find someone to deal with that actually has a passion for what he does. I wish I lived nearer!! The shipping is too much $$$$$ for me to handle....(sniff, sniff) hehehe 2thumbs.gifcheers.gif (maybe he wants a Canadian Rep.???) hints****** lol cheers.gifburnout.gif

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Once again, thanks for all the kind words! You guys are my best advertising.


Drewz: I think Canadian representation would be wonderful! Ideally, if I had someone "up there" to receive stuff in bulk and help me figure out how to get it across the border with a minimum of duties and customs intereferance (I guess "NAFTA" never lived up to the hype), it would be worth discounting a bit. Hopefully, it would generate some volume that I would not otherwise do.


I know the market is a bit limited due to not many Zs left (all rusted away?), but in some ways it may be a better market. All the current owners have to be enthusiasts to keep the cars going!


Mike: I've toyed with the G-nose idea on and off for years. I know a guy who has a mold squirreled away, and I have bought a nose from him. However, it is a bit rough...more race quality than show quality. I'll start another thread and see how much interest there really is. I have a set of molds to make the G-nose headlight covers...

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