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A simple act of kindness


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Let me set the stage for you... I was on my way to work on a house about 30 minutes from mine, all highway driving, so it's pretty far away. I notice that I am running real low on fuel. No big deal, I usually have at least $50 on me. I check my wallet... crap, I forgot that I had bought a small present for my sister and only had $2 on me. Oh well, I have my debit card and a credit card on me to get fuel for my truck on my way back from work. So, I left the house I was working on and I check the fuel gauge and I'm pretty much on fumes. I pull into the nearest gas station, which is pretty busy, and I just put in $10. I walk in to pay for the $10 with my debit card. The clerk swipes my card... ," Sorry sir, the card is denied." Okay, this doesn't make sense, I have a crap load of money in my checking account, so I tell her to swipe the card again. Same thing happens, the card is denied. WTF! By this time a line has started to for behind me. I think that there is just something wrong with my debit card, so I give them my credit card (I hate using credit cards, but I had too). Now I knew that this card would work, I mean I could go out and buy a fricken car on this thing if I wanted to! Clerk says, "Sorry sir this is denied too." Oh man... what the heck is going on! I can't pay for only $10 in gas... how embarrassing. At this time, I'm telling the clerk to start checking out the people behind me so I wasn't holding them up. I give the clerk my drivers liscense so she knows I won't drive off and I go back out to my truck to use my phone. I call up my bank and the number for my bank wasn't even working! I didn't know what the heck to do. I shut my truck door and was walking in to bargain with the clerk. All I had to leave her was my pouches (I'm a carpenter), a radio, and my Swiss Army watch. If I had left any of these items with the clerk untill I was able to get the measly $10, I was worried that I would return and they would say, "you didnt leave anything with us." So, like I said I was walking in to bargain with the lady and a man that was standing behind me in line was walking towards me. He hands me a business card. It has his name and home address on it. He tells me that he will pay for my fuel. I was taken back... I was like ," you are doing what?" "I'll pay for you", he said. So we went inside and payed the clerk. I got my liscense back and we walked out. He tells me to drop a check in the mail for the $10. I thank him and he drives off. I still couldn't believe it.

Well, a few days later I went out and bought a card and a gift certificate to a nice restaurant for a pretty decent amount. I then stuffed the thank you card, the gift certificate, and the $10 I owed him in an envelope an mailed it.

A few days go by and I was wondering if he recieved my card. I remember that there was also an e-mail address on the business card he gave me. So, I dropped the guy an e-mail. This is the response I got:


Hi Mat!


Yes, I received your card and was in the process of sending you a card back - but if it's ok,

Email is a lot easier (and quicker).


Thank you VERY much for the gift certificate; it was completely unnecessary but much

appreciated! Actually, I really wasn't expecting to get anything back - and that would have been ok

with me. I'm just glad to be able to make a little positive difference in somebody's life every

now and then. It is very heartening to know there are appreciative and honorable people, such

as you, still around in this world. Your actions speak volumes about your integrity, morals and

upbringing provided by your parents. Please give them a hug for me.


You know, I firmly believe that there are no coincidences or lucky circumstances in life.

Without getting too "soap-boxy" or "preachy", there was a reason why you and I were at that gas

station at the same time. I try to keep my eyes open for opportunities to "get involved" with

people or animals in need. It is far too common for people to want to stay within their own

comfort zone an not get involved. I don't know your politics or religion, but I think President

Bush has properly challenged each of us to help one another through "a thousand acts of

kindness." His message is firmly rooted in his, and my own Christian religion.


I may never know the true reason why we were met as we did, since events have a way of

cascading to points unknown; but I am glad we did and now have a great story of inspiration to share

with others.


My wife and I love Thunder Bay and eat there often - we will certainly enjoy a nice dinner

thanks to you.


Thank you again for the card, money and certificate. I'll have to admit I feel a little bad

about accepting it, but my wife convinced me it would be rude to return it. If there was

anything I would ask in return, it would be to watch for your own opportunities to make a difference.


Take care Mat.


Your Friend,




Now that is cool. Todd is a great guy. So, if you see an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life, please by all means go for it.




P.S. I now make sure I have cash in my money clip before I fill up :D Also, I still have not recieved an explanation from my bank or my credit card company as to why my cards did not work that day.

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No coincidences, everything happens for a reason. I was on my way home tonight and stopped to get gas before getting on the interstate. A young man approached me and indicated he had run out of gas at the top of the off ramp. He was looking for a handout and I gave him the change in my pocket, how generous of me. :roll: He then asked me if I had a gas can and I told him sorry but no. I thought it was probably a scam until that point but I still let him walk off as I filled my car. I started thinking about this story and watched how distraut this guy was. He wasn't asking anyone else for money he was just standing there not knowing what to do. When I finished filling up I went in the station and bought a plastic gas can, all they had was the one gallon size. The guy flipped when I walked out with it. I put gas in it and gave him some cash to get home with. I profess to be a Christian but I certainly wasn't acting like it at first. Thanks for posting this Mat, I probably would not have helped him if I hadn't read this.

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Guest ON3GO

awesome story.

its true, we should all help each other out, and be kind to all.

nobody knows when there leaving this world, so why be a bad person to others, i mean we are all brothers and sisters...atleast thats the way i look at it.



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I posted this because I wanted people to look around once in a while. Apparently my story has had just the effect I wanted. It makes me feel good that someone out there has benifited from this. I don't know what to say... I'm just happy I guess. Now Jeff and that man have a story to tell, just like mine. It is good to know there are still good decent people out there willing to lend a helping hand. I wrote Todd back and told him about posting our story and gave him a link to this. I hope he looks at this and feels the same as I do. Knowing how many people have given this story a look see, you just never know who else this has helped.


If you see someone in need of a hand and truely deserve it, please just think about this post. It makes you feel good about yourself. Yes, you may wonder if you were taken, like those homeless people you helped that turn out to be driving a better car than you :? , but just use your better judgement.



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I just got a letter from my bank as to why my debit card didn't work. Here is what was stated in the letter:


"...a database of a processor of merchant card transactions was comprimised by a computer hacker. The result was the potential that an unauthorized individual may have access to as many as 8 million card numbers.

...Since your card number was one of those that were comprimised, your debit card account was immediately canceled to protect you from unauthorized transactions."


I can't complain. They possibly saved me from losing a lot of cash, even though it put me in a embarrassing position. Everything turned out for the better though.



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