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What it feels like to drive

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I have searched a bit and I cant actually find anything that describes what it feels like to drive a v8 240z, I was hoping someone could describe whats its like in a lt1 6 speed z car. You know, Can you down shift and shoot around traffic insanely fast? Throw you back in the seat real hard? are they impossible to keep straight? I dont wanna downshift mine on the highway and end up sliding around in circles? How difficult is it to actually drive?

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I have a 411RWHP/385RWTQ LT1 Camaro, and even with its pigish weight it is at the level of damn fast through traffic and throws you in the seat, it is the first car I've had that litterally feels like your being pushed into the seat on the freeway when I hammer it into second (stock rear gears, I can do 60 in first).


With 1000 less pounds, it must be monsterous, if you can get enough tire under it. I imagine grip will be a problem without weight over the tires, I would think most cars setup well should have no problem staying straight on the freeway, unless we are talking 600+ HP people.

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Guest livewire23

find darius' videos. That may give you a bit of an idea. He's insane though, so don't mind the tailslides all over the place.

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I first drove a V8 about 11 years ago. I happened to drive the JTR mule test car that Mike Knell owned. Why he would take me for a ride or let me drive is beyond me. We went to his private 'testing ground' and he hammered the thing. The front went up and I saw hood and sky. The wheels were boiling and smoking--nothing but V8 roar and squeeling tires, then he hit second gear: same thing, only we're going faster now. Then he hit third, it churped the tires and he hit fourth. I had my hands in his dash in front of me trying to hold on while screaming. He laughed so hard at my ignorance. "How fast were we going?" I asked him. "You don't want to know," was his answer.


He looked over at me as I hyperventilated and asked, "You want to drive?" "Of couse!" I said as we traded places. He told me what to do and I nailed the throttle. All I remember is that I made it through two gears before slowing down and thanking him that I had enough rush for one day. I was hooked though. That is a 13 second car with 275 genuine HP. I have driven several other V8 Z's, but the more you drive fast cars, the more you get used to them. So I'm building mine to be a moderately fast car that I can work the bugs out before getting insane with power.


Remember that power is usable if you can get it to the ground. Yes Darius' car makes (or "made", past tense) big HP--he still has only run 11's at the strip. Don Manzo's car also runs consistent 11's but is NA! :D His car hooks better too. Shoot, if that is not enough, Scottie's GNZ runs 10's on a 6 cyl GN motor! Both of those guys impress me more, but you won't find them racing through traffic or in the back of police cars either (my apologies to Darius, but I can't help laughing at the pic of him in the back of the police cruiser :D) There are faster guys on the board, but they don't usually drive long distances with their cars like Don & Scottie do.


Anyway, the rush you get from one of these cars is not matched by any Honda on my block, or ever will be for the money. I hope to get mine going this summer.



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DavyZ you got me ROTFL'N SOOO BAD with your strory about the test ride and test drive in the mule car!!!




I've just gotten my car on the road (lot's of bugs to work out) and the thing is a monster. Personally the car scares the crap out of me, I built an engine the likes to rev and things start happening "real quick" when you mash the go peddal. The Z cars can be set up to perform great if you are willing to do your homework and ask the advice of others here at HybridZ. If you can, by all means try to drive one before you build one. Had I driven one first, I would have built a more "tame" engine and built a hotter engine while tuning the mechanicals and suspension. They are fast and can be built to do what ever you want them to do from drag to autox.


Just my .02



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...the thing is a monster. Personally the car scares the crap out of me...


Truer words were never spoken--with an engine like you have, you'll have plenty of time to 'grow' into the power and handling of your car. Mine will be more tame, but I plan to learn to really drive the car before upping the power more (a turbo V8 is in the works as we speak, but first things first).


David, glad you liked the story!! :D I was 25 years old then and had been wanting to do a V8 Z even before then. Now I'm a lot older, but I finally have the humble means to put one together. I'm happy.



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I had the misfortune of driving my first V-8 Z a couple of weeks ago. I say misfortune because it was a real let down. I went to look at a car that was on ebay and was advertised as having a 327 in it. When I got there I realized that the Z had a 307 between the fenders. I drove the car hoping to get that "head pushed back through the seat feeling" that my vette used to give me. It sadly wasn't to be though :(


This car sucked to put it in layman's terms! A stock Z with the in liner still between the sheet metal would have been more fun to drive. Everything from the rough slow running engine to the non existant brakes to the shimmy in the steering wheel that almost jared you to death when trying to stop just was a terrible let down.


I guess where I'm heading with this is not all V-8 Z cars are created equal. I came back from that trip re energized to get my project up and running again. Do the conversion right and I personally think the Z will literally fly when heading down the highway. On the other hand, do it wrong and well you get what I had the displeasure of driving.

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I guess when building a Z you have to take a total package approach. Sure we all fall into the "well since I'm here, I might as well..." syndrome. This is not a bad thing!!! The first item I replaced on my car were the brakes. Period, then moved on to the suspension (rear) suspension front engine in, exhaust, new wheels and now trying to begin tuning and wire routing for a clean engine bay.


Cars with bad brakes, loose/worn suspension, leaky fuel lines (yeah I had that problem too.) are just an accident waiting to happen when you drop in more HP. One of the reasons my car is still so scarry is that I need an alingment WAY bad. It's not so bad just for darting around the streets of the neighborhood but I'm not going to take it above 45MPH till it's lined up right either, ah this week I'll try to take care of it. We'll see...



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Guest Perry

my first ride was with my car guy uncle. he had built a few V8 z's before, and had a 240 he was working on in the garage. it basically was a stock 240, with no interior except for the drivers seat, and a " 'bout 350 hos" 350 chevy he had left over from another car with a hard shifting 700 R4. This was a work in progress and I was in from out of town for a few days so we pulled an all day "rig it together" event just so we could take a ride ( I was about 19 years old, and I think he was excited just to see my enthusiasm for it). with old stock size tires, wore out suspension, and a coolant leak that limited our play time to a few 10 minute runs back and forth on an old country road, we pulled into the street. I sat on the floor where the passenger seat was, with my heart pounding in time with the open header beast a few feet in front of me. I can still remember the roar, clammering to stay out of the trunk, the violent bang of the rear suspension bottoming out, the smell of burnt coolant and tire smoke. first gear was just waiting for the car to catch up to tire speed. second gear was introduced with the unmistakeable slam of the rear bottoming out again and more waiting to catch up to tire speed, third gear hit a bit less violently and the tires stopped spinning after a short howl, then he let off the gas and I clumsily slid under the dashboard. This was repeated a few times for good measure.

How many people would consider this torture, I don't know, but I loved it. I think back to how silly and dangerous it all was but wouldn't trade that day for anything. I remember I had some pretty formidable bruises on my derrier, and everytime I sat down for a while I smiled while replaying the ride in my head. I went home and immediately started making plans for the Z I didn't even own yet.


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