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engine questions PLEASE HELP

Guest polarity

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Guest polarity

I know this shouldnt be in the Z forum anywhere, especially in the chevy part but I didn't a reply under ford and could really use some of you guys expertise.


I have a 95 thunderbird (ya i know) with the 4.6l v8. It died last night. Any time I hit the gas, the car would just act like it was about to die. I could spray starter fluid (car starter fluid) into my intake and it would rev up and I could hit the gas and it would work, but without that starter it would just choke.. My initial thoughts are fuel pump, or fuel filter. Does this sound reasonable to you guys?



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the symptoms sure sound like lack of fuel, first check that you have fuel pressure at the fuel rail, if not find out why not, some fords have a fuel pressure cut off switch that cuts the power to the fuel pump if the cars read ended (bumped)(look in the owners manual for the reset button in the trunks location and reset proceedures) then check that the throttle possition sensor is adjusted correctly, if you have fuel pressure a clogged fuel filter or air filter or clogged injector might be the problem or a loose injector connection to the wire harness or to some other sensor like the tps

oh btw on several fords the plug into the computer control modual and ignition can come loose check that also

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Guest polarity

I did a little working on the car and found out that my catalytic(sp) converter is seperated. Would that cause the car to have this kind of problems?



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