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LA auto saloon whos going? Please I need a favor, TC24-B1

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Ok I need a big favor from someone I just got a fax back from OS Giken about the 24 valve twin cam cylinder head, it might be reproduced but they wanted me to come and talk with them and I can't do that because I live here in OHIO but on the 24-27 the president of OS Giken will be at booth 3608 his name is Okazaki, he wanted to talk with me about this head and I'm asking of anyone that can go out there and procue the any further than what I can. So in realiaty this is a favor for all of us z fans as it would possibly bring back the OS Giken TC24-B1 cylinder head for our L6 motors. Please can anyone help out?





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Hey BayAreaZT since your a mechanical engineer if this deal with OS Giken can't be reached to make another run of the TC24 would you be willing to help me make one I don't know anything yet on the valve geometry and need some help. I would like to use 300zxtt valve, springs, and hydraulic lifters for this project. After I get one made by hand I can mold it and have it cast for 600 bucks. So I'm trying to get all the help I can with this. Will you help me in my quest?

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the show is open to the public and it for companys to come and show off there new products. If you can be sucsessful at the show with OS Giken's president then me producing a DOHC cylinder head is no longer nessary and we will need a price to see on how many are intersted in buying it. I except it to be costly because tooling for a head runs about 15000-20000. and then about 1000 for each after that for a complete bolt on head. I would like to build a head and sell it for less than that to the z community. I ask that you try to pursade him to reproducing his cylinder head and if not ask for the blue prints if we can get anything from him I would love to have those design plans. from that it would speed up this process. If all goes not as planed then I ask of your help in setting up the valve train and timing it in the the gears. Thats what is going to take the longest for me to do I'm working on desings for the water jackets,cambers,and ports it all looks good so far. Also the convention is held in the LA convesion center south hall and in the top message of mine is the booth number.




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Guest Anonymous

Have you thought about trying to adapt an RB series head to the L28? It may sound funny but they actually bolt up, all the head bolt holes are in the same locations and the bore spacings are the same. The water and oil pathways need modifing and so does the timing gear (converting the L28 block to the RB timing gear shouldn't be too hard) but I think it could be done.

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