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Quad Cam V8


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Quiz question.......Where is the STARTER on the Northstar??? Hmm................................... :?:weird:


It's in the block valley.


Ding Ding Ding!!! We have a winner! :D



I still think the LT5 is the way to go! :wink:




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Actually, what I meant was a FACTORY bellhousing. However, I'll let it out. The 96-99 2.5L Dodge Dakota 5-speed bellhousing has the same engine side bolt pattern as the FWD GM engines. So with a minor modification, it can be used to mate the 87-92 R154 Supra Turbo 5-speed up to a Northstar. The AX-15 tranny in the Dakota and the Supra Turbo tranny share the same case to bellhousing bolt pattern.


Also, the 88-99 2.5L Jeep Wrangler bellhousing can also be modified to fit the Northstar and it will bolt up a Toyota W58 5-speed out of a non Turbo Supra. The W58 and Jeep AX5 tranny share the same case to bellhousing bolt pattern.


Hows that for trivia!


Greg :shock:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Anonymous

i think i would just head to the junk yard in search of a porsche 928 and go form there i have a friend with a 928 and it hauls*** and then some

it also seem to be a semi narrow motor and the tranny is a work of art

but also consider they are good motors but when something breaks it cost a heck of alot of cash to fix but wow i guess if u had the money for the motor you could maintain it to :-D

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Guest Tempe_Z

Couple issues with the 928 engine. Parts are very expensive and it uses a transaxle so you're going to have to do alot of work to adapt a typical RWD transmission to it to fit in a Z.

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  • 1 month later...

The Northstar is definitely the way to go!!!

If you get one from the new Cadillac XLR, it is RWD, DOHC with VTEC, and is "mildly tuned" to make 320hp. The RWD version of the Northstar in the XLR is a redesigned version of the original FWD Northstar, and it has a stiffer block and the water pump has been moved up front (to accomadate for RWD) plus they added variable valve timing. I've read that the weights are around 390 lbs FULLY DRESSED for the 1st gen Northstars. I'm not sure what the weights for the LT5 are, but I'd guess it's pretty close to the all aluminum LS1/LS6 SBC, which is around 550 fully dressed, and the LT5 has three more cams than the LS1, so it's probably heavier. As far as the Northstar starter, just remove the intake/injection setup to get at it. If you can't do that, then you shouldn't be doing a hybrid car in the first place.

Anyways...I've seen an article in Hot Rod (or popular hotrodding, or one like that) that had a guy who makes parts for the Northstar, and he had 415hp with simple bolt ons, as well as a 525 hp heavily modded version. And that was the 1st gen engine!! He said stock It'll rev right up to 8,500 RPM, so you can imagine that since most engines that rev that high can make 110hp/liter normally aspirated (such as many hondas, toyotas, ferraris, bmw m3, etc), 110 * 4.6L = 506 hp.


That's just my oppinion, though..... :wink:

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