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Clutch pedal keeps 'sinking'

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

And my other problem..... this one even more mysterious. This one has been going on slowly over the last few months... very very slowly, but noticeable none the less. My clutch seems to be readjusting itself..... over time, I notice that I have to press the clutch pedal in further and further to get the clutch to disengage...... it has gotten bad enough to were it wouldn't disengage at all and I had to adjust the nut/rod that goes into the pedal to give it more travel. I've been doing this for some time now... I've lengthened the rod so much that its' about to pop out from the back of the pedal if I turn it like one more turn. And yet still, the travel required to disengage the clutch increases, now to the point that it's making shifting w/o grinding difficult... it is only disengaged at the 100% furthest the pedal will go, let it up more than say 1/4 inch and it starts grabbing. I've checked the fluid in the master cylinder and there is plenty. I've checked all over for leaks and have found none. The master and slave cylinder both are relatively fresh, both were rebuilt when I put this car together less than a year ago. I've bled the system a couple times. Nothing is helping it... I figure if it keeps progressing at the same rate the car will soon be undrivable, unless I modify or bend the pedal to give more travel before it 'bottoms out' or can somehow get a longer rod in between the pedal and the master cylinder, but these would be only temporary fixes I would think.....


Can anyone think WHY this would be happening? Could it be the clutch is just wearing out? I always thought that would cause there to be LESS pedal travel before the clutch would let go, as the material has worn thinner.... Is there a good solution to this? Can you change the rod that goes into the master cylinder?? I dont know what to do... I'm just waiting for it to not be able to shift one day and strand me..... advice please!

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Hopefully someone can chime in with more experience than I have. But it sounds like you are getting less pressure to the clutch. So either you have less fluid in your clutch system, your master cylinder is failing, or a combo of both and you are leaking fluid. Have you checked yor fluid level at all?? Maybe there is air in your system. Good luck and like I said hopefully someone else will answere.

Happy motoring,


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Guest bastaad525
:( just had it rebuilt..... it was leaking really bad before, now there is no leak at all, the fluid level stays the same.
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Guest Thurem

A master cyl has two little holes in the bore that allows it to replenish the system with fluid. The piston at rest (ie not pressing the clutch) needs to be between those two holes. If you by adjusting the rod, for the mastercyl, have pushed the piston past these bleed holes. You will get the symptoms you describe. So try and adjust the rod shorter. Basically you need to allow the piston to travel all the way back in the bore when you release the clutchpedal, you might actually want to have a small amount of freeplay in the rod. This will allow the hydraulic system to adjust itself and compensate for wear.


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Guest bastaad525

there's about an inch of freeplay in the pedal, at the top... in other words I push the pedal down about an inch before it even starts to move the clutch at all. If that's what you meant. About adjusting the rod shorter...... if I adjust it any shorter at all, I wont be able to put the car in gear. With the free play in the pedal though, I have to assume that the piston is being allowed to go all the way to it's resting point. One other thing I did notice which is contributing to the problem, the firewall, where the master cylinder is mounted..... I had my g/f push the clutch pedal in for me while I watched.... the firewall itself is flexing back and forth at least about a 1/2"...... now how the heck can I fix taht???

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Guest bastaad525

heheh okay so I changed the slave cylinder today and it seems to have fixed the problem.... so I guess it was bad even for being recently rebuilt..... makes sense I guess as the rebuilt brake cylinder I bought has also had problems... can people just not rebuild something RIGHT anymore or what? Well now I just need to drive it for a while and see if it starts sinking again, if it does than I figure it can only be one other thing. Thanks for the tips y'all :)

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