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One Unhappy Biker


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I was merging onto the highway last night and came up alonside a guy on a Yamaha that looked kind of like a Harley sportster. Anyway, it was pretty quick and he knew it so it really ticked him off whenI goosed the Z in 5th and forced him to fall in behind me to get around the car in front of him. When I got up a bit further he jumped back into the lane beside me and I repeated the maneuver which cause him to repeat his. Only this time he really nailed it, passed & jumped in front of me and wove thru about 8-10 cars all the while accellerating to at least 100 mph - only to run into a Texas thunderstorm cell where he got hit with giant rain drops that totally soaked him to the skin in about 5 seconds - and of course were impacting him at at least 100 mph because he had no windscreen on the bike. That had to be one really unhappy dude!

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I`ve been caught in the rain on a bike at 80+, and I can say that large rain drops at that speed feels like someone throwing a fistfull of gravel at you.


Oh yeah... that stings! This one time I was taking a trip up north about 4 hours from here. About 2.5 hours into the ride, the sky turned black and there was now a really strong crosswind. It started pouring, I mean buckets! With no bridge in sight, I just kept on riding. I found myself behind a gas tanker truck (18 wheeler) and could not pass him, because the conditions were so bad I couldn't see in front of him. So here I am not wanting to stop, stuck behind a big rig, getting buffeted all over the place, soaked to the bone... man, good time though. It rained the rest of the ride up there :cry: . When I got up north, I took off my clothes and my white shirt was not white anymore, nor was it ever going to be white again, because of my leather jacket. This was a very bad storm I went through, I mean really BAD! I seriously should have stopped and let some of the nasty stuff go over. Nobody expected me to be there at the time I had got there, they thought nobody in thier right mind would ride through that. My Grandma told me there was a tornado that touched down just a few miles of where I was riding at the time... scared the crap out of me when I heard that. I smile everytime I think about that ride, it was an adventure to say the least.



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