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Have a little fun today guys! (joke)


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>Don't be afraid to insult policemen


>I went to the store the other day, and I was in there

>for only about 5 minutes. When I came out there was a

>motorcycle cop writing a parking ticket. So I

>went up to him and said, Come on, buddy, how about

>giving a guy a break.

>He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. So I

>called him a "pencil-necked Nazi".

>He glared at me and started writing another ticket,

>He finished the second ticket and put it on the

>windshield with the first. Then he started writing a

>third ticket!

>This went on for about 20 minutes - I had lots of

>names to call him, and the more I abused him, the more

>tickets he wrote.

>I didn't care. MY car was parked around the corner.


>I try to have a little fun each day. It's important.

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Guest Thurem

Meter Nazis really pisses me off. You have to be an a..hole to have a job like that. And they will tell you they are only doing their job, well they are and they CHOSE that job. This is a free country and nobody, I mean NOBODY, has to choose a job like that. So Peee on them and they deserve it.

Apologies for the language.


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