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Show Car Body Parts....Any experience with these guys?

Guest iskone

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Guest iskone

I would have to say that I have called them 4-6 times and sent them about the same amount of e-mails over the lst few months.



I have never had a response from them and one time I even asked if they really wanted to sell me any body parts.


So basically have you or anyone you ever talked to them?

How about buy their porducts? The G-nose for example.



Isk one

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Guest iskone

It is a shame really.

I want that G-nose!!!

But I'm not want one to just buy somthing I see in a picture without any knowlodge of it.


I really don't get these guys I have tried approaching them a few diffreent ways with no response.


I have even used different e-mial accounts, but still nothing!



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Thta still doesn't mean I can get a hold of them


No, it does not, but if you did search will find some VERY good information on thier G-nose. I would suggest reading these posts before you plunk down the amount of $ they are asking for this piece.



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Guest iskone

Yeah I searched for the g-nose before but not a whole lot comes up.

I already knew by looking at the pic of their g-nose on ebay that it is rough.

Besides when you try and contact someone over and over but they don't respond you know somthing is up!


Really I just want something to stretch out the front of the car since I am trying to plan out an all wheel drive setup.


I also think that there is a better looking front than the one that comes with the 280YZ wich I intend to buy.

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Yeah I searched for the g-nose before but not a whole lot comes up.


Here, you are even in one of them!





All good reading for you concerning the showcars bodyparts people. Maybe you weren't using the right words in your search?



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Guest iskone

Yeah thanks

Too bad about the G-Nose it might be forced to buy it though.


By the way I belive I have solved the all wheel drive setup!!!


I can still use my chevy 350!!!


As a matter of fact I am very sure I solved the problem!

All that is left now is lots and lots of measuring to be sure.

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Yeah thanks

Too bad about the G-Nose it might be forced to buy it though.


Did you see those pictures that aviatorx posted? Man, $500 for that :roll: .


Anyways, please update your AWD post, I'm sure many of us would like to hear your solution!



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Guest iskone

I was about to edit that!

It appers I need more sleep.

I thought I had the for sure answer but I don't!

Although hope is not lost I still think I'll find a way just not tonight.

I'll update tomorrow.

But hey I can tell you how to cinvert to front wheel drive with a chevy 350 if you want.

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Guest Drewz

I had no troubles phoning them but the email was nil for a response. I now own the 4" cowl bolt on 1 piece hood, Filled fender extension, and standard 3" flares. The hod is AAA quality and fits real sweet, same goes for the fender extensions as well. The flares are another story. They will need quite a bit of work but will fit okay. The shipping on the stuff took a bit of time so If you are in a hurry DON'T do it!!! Order in the fall or winter if you must. The hood and fender extensions are in need of nil for prep. The G nose mold they have as you have probably read is not right so the piece can't fit right as well. When I did phone half of the time I was talking to Rob Johnson the owner so that was good but they can be diff. to get ahold of during the summer so be for warned........If anyone is interested the extension or hood pics I can email.......

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Guest iskone

I was just on their website and it has changed since I was there last.


I don't know if anyone has noticed but they have pictures from all over the internet.

They have Ted's car with the 280YZ kit, They have a 250 GTO kit ( wich they don't even sell! )and a whole bunch of other cars I have seen in ohter places.

I hope they got permission to use those pics.

Any body understand the pricing? just another little rant i guess

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They do sell some kits from other manufacturers like the GTO and Cal Z kits for examples. I will send the pics tomorrow as I have the hood pics but will take the flare and extension pics in the morning.

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Guest iskone

No they aren't too big. I"ve got cable.

The cowl hood looks good.

I didn't see any pics of the rear flares on the car.

The front ones look little off too.


Thanks for the pics, I hope it looks good when your done



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As evidenced in the many post on Showcars, I've had NOTHING but bad experiences there and would advise taking your business elsewhere. They are completely unresponsive after the sale, and the g-nose will require considerable work to get a correct fit - nearly to the point where you may just as well have built one up yourself! Further to the point of this guy being shameless, he has the balls to use one of MY pics to advertise his crap on the web!


John Washington's posts on the cost of a quality parts rings true, and this is a piece that you should not go cheap on (unless you really want to become well versed in fiberglass manufacturing and repair) - let my mistake be your lesson!


If you MUST have the Showcars nose just for the looks - then be forewarned... that $495.00 + $75.0 shipping is only the beginning.


If John Washington had a nose to sell at $1500.00 I buy it.

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