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Cooling my VG30DET

Guest Simon

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Im in the process of swapping the VG30DET into my 260z, will the stock radiator work, or will i have to get a larger one.


People have told me that the stock one is quite good.


I will be useing 1 or 2 thermo fans to assist in the cooling.

What is better one big one or two smaller ones. Do you want to cover the most area possable?

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There are a couple of different stock radiators I believe, anyway the one with the most core rows would obviously be the best. For fans I used two, side by side. They (singly) came off a Camira or a Laser, can't remember which, and had their own metal shrouds.


Cooling may only be a potential issue, if using twin electric fans, on a hot day when constantly using a lot of power eg around a race track.

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