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Now I see just how much difference the turbo motor has made

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

a friend of mine drives an '87 mustang LX 5.0, moderately fixed up. He and I have raced so many times I've lost count, over the last couple years. We race at this abandoned air field/park area. When I first got my 240z and put my built L28 N/A into it, we'd race and we'd always be just about even, or one of us would win by half a car length or so but never consistently one way or the other. Well today he cruised by to see if my car was done yet, and of course we had to go out for a run :twisted::twisted::twisted: He did the 1-2-3 count and took off, pulled hard outta the hole, and of course I bogged the launch. He pulled a car on me quick, then I hit 2nd gear and we were accelerating just about dead even. Then I hit 3rd gear and... I'm thinking he suddenly let off, because in the space of a few seconds, I went from being 1 car behind, to about 2 cars ahead of him. So I let off, we pull over and start replaying the whole thing, and he lets on that he didn't let off until AFTER he saw me let off!! So I've got this big grin ear to ear... This guys done high 14's in the 1/4, races it like every other week, and as I said I pulled 3 cars on him in the space of one gear, NIIIIIIIIIIIICE. He estimates that if we had been doing a 1/4 mile race and I had kept gaining like that I'd have had some 8-10 cars on him. He was very impressed and said the car must have a lot of pull on the top... funny to me it feels like it doens't pull much above 5k. For the first time since spending the $$$ to put this turbo motor in my car, I finally feel a little 'justified' and very satisfied :)


by the way I was gonna put this in the "I'm tellin ya" board but it isn't showing up anymore? they take this section out?

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Guest 240hybrid

Glad to hear that the swap is producing results/winnings. My brother has a 5.0 that Im just itchin to lay the smack down on. If I can ever get the motor in her. :cry: Im calling Jim Thompson for a definite finish date tomorrow, hes starting to urk me though.


Keep killing those stangs, at least someone is. :D

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It is amazing what a turbo charger can do, Im still in complete awe of some of the newer kills, like a 350z for one!!!

First race in the car was was takin down a 5.0, This is where I began to think there was something going with this turbo swap stuff. Funny huh, Two years ago you would catch me in the v8 section laughing at this turbo stuff, Now I am a believer.... Oh boy.

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