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I think I hear a ticking sound???

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Oh well then its not "spark arcing" All my wires are on nice and tight.


If I hooked my PCM up to the scanner it would tell me if the timing is being retared or advaced right? If it was being retard then that would tell me that the PCM's knock sensor are "hearing" the noise too.



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Guest tom sixbey

The timing at idle should not cause ticking noises.. If it's advanced too far it'll ping under harder acceleration - most motors have their spark timing set from about 10-12 degrees advance at idle. About the wires - just pull each plug one at a time and pay close attention to the running of the motor. If by chance one of the wires is arcing (in other words grounding out soemwhere its not supposed to and throwing a spark off of the wire) that cylinder wont be recieving any fire. In that case, when you pulled the problematic wire, the motor will run the same as it did with the wire plugged in. However if a spark plug wire is delivering its spark correctly to the plug like its supposed to, the motor will run rougher when you pull that wire off the plug. So if you pull a wire and nothing changes - you've found the problematic cylinder.


However this ticking doesnt sound like a timing problem to me. I wish i could hear it really wish i could hear it. I wouldnt worry about the rods though - as Tim said, it would be like two hammers striking each other.


One thing i do know about the chevy computers is that the knock sensors are overly sensative, and they will cut your spark a little prematurely in most cases. - Most of my chevy friends remove their knock sensors to keep the timing where they want it. - keep us posted

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Ok well the good news is that I am pretty sure I figured out what the ticking noise is....


It looks like its the lifters. It has to be because the noise is coming from the intake area and the only thing under the intake is the lifters!


Now what can I do to fix this? Can I just find the bad lifter and put in a new one? Or can I find the bad lifter and "unclog" it if it has a piece of dirt in it that is causing it to not "pump" up properly? Also what is chance that my cam is junk now? What are my options here?



Guy :?

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If the lifter was clogged I don't think you would be getting oil to your rockers. You will have to remove the intake to change the lifter. There is a spider assembly on the LT1 that holds the lifters from turning. I have seen the stock lifters on EBAY reasonably inexpensive. You could also check the Camaro/Firebird sites (FBODY.com etc.) for the lifters. Are you sure it is a lifter, I had a Vette that had a bad injector that ticked pretty loudly even though the car ran well.

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Guest tom sixbey

glad to hear you've isolated the problem. My friend's 300zx had a dry lifter that ticked like that. For whetever reason it wouldnt prime - he replaced it and solved the problem.

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It could still be noisy injectors, they are in the same area as a lifter. (lifter below, injector above). My injectors also make a ticking sound. When I first had my exhaust installed, all of a sudden I could hear them. I also thought my valves needed adjustment, and tried that, but the ticking was still there. They just make a ticking noise :?

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Yeah so I "tried" to drive my car to work this morning....and I got about 1/2 mile down the road and that ticking got really loud! :( I am almost 100% sure its the lifters. I am going to pull the intake this weekend and see whats up. The noise almost sounded like a knocking. What could be knocking inside there(under the intake)? I guess I will see when I pull the intake. Man this sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x:x




Guy :cry:

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Guest tom sixbey

best and most likely scenario: collapsed lifter resulting in extreme valve lash situation (hence the noise)


worst case but least likely scenario : wrist pin loose in pinbore.


one thing to note is that if you have a valve thats loose enough to rattle that much, the motor will probably run a little rough - however you may not have noticed the roughness if a valve has been loose the entire time you've had the motor (and you've gotten used to it)..

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