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Taking the HUUUGE step, moving to Mexico, opening business

Guest Thurem

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Guest Thurem

Like it said in the headline, my family and I are moving to Puerto Penasco, just south of the border with Arizona. It is also known as Rocky Point. Our plan is to start our own Motorcycle shop down there. It will be called Bikes On the Beach, or B.O.B. , we were also talking about callling it Bikes Onda Beach, where Onda is the spanish word for waves, sort of a play on words Bikes, Waves, Beach.

I have bought a lot of tools like tiremachine, press and a lot of other stuff to enable me to do almost any kind of service on a bike short of machinework. Later we are gonna purchase some quads, so we can rent them out, should be a good cashcow.

Anyone living around Tucson or Phoenix will know that Rocky point is the closest beach around, and there are also dunes for offroad riding and driving.

Well, wish me luck. It is gonna be a while before I get back on the board, have to set up with an ISP in Mexico. Moving date has been set for Tuesday. We have borroved a 30" schoolbus and a trailer, so we can haul our stuff and stay in the bus at the same time untill we can get a place to stay(ie rent a house).

It's been nice living here in the states, but its time for a change.

Later Thure



PS. There will be a small discount offered to any of you guys that show up down there with the secret HybridZ handshake :D

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is the secret hybrid Z handshake sliding into the parking lot sideways in your hybridZ??



Sure! just like they did in the movie (Blues Brothers 2000)


after a while you'll get sick of us Hybrid Z members showing up

"oh no, there goes another insurance claim!" Ha ha ha..


anyway, best of luck in Mexico!

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