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Blue smoke after sitting at idle


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I noticed that blue smoke will start to come outta the tailpipe after sitting in traffic for a period. I noticed it alot this morning sitting in school traffic, about 15 min of idling and barely pulling foward. Also at the dragstrip after runs it would smoke periodically. And furthermore i noticed it when i was sitting in the drive tuning on the car. When i pulled in no smoke, but after about 5 min i got back in to rev it a bit and its starting smoking. It doesnt smoke anytime other than after sitting at idle for a period it seems, nothing while driving, allittle black on acceleration sometimes but that just my mixture.


Any idea's.. turbo bearing maybe?


-Austin Hoke

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It could be a bad bearing/seal in the turbo, but I would check your intake valve guides as well.


Considering the engine is turbo`d it would make this likely. Under boost(high rpm) it doesn`t smoke.

This tells me that you when you have positive manifold pressure it pushes the oil back through the guides, but at idle(low rpm) when you have negative pressure in the intake (ie, vacume) it draws oil through the worn guides.

As soon as you accelerate, the extra air flow as well as manifold pressure forces the oil into the cylinder where it burns off.


My .02 :wink:

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