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Guest Aaron

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:fmad: OK, Harley riders do have an attitude. But a lot of us got that way from years of putting up with the jerks:puke: who think that they're bikers as soon as they push their shiny new bike into the back of their shiny new dually pickups. They may think they are scooter trash, but being a biker instead of a motorcyclist is a right that you have to earn. If you think a tool kit is a credit card and a cell phone, you're just another Rub. Go home and leave me to my beer. Oh by the way, I can't remember the last time I saw a tatoo that said "Kawasooki" or what ever. Any complaints? Just let me know as soon as your rice rocket gets a hundred and jkfifty thousand miles on it, like my stinky old Harley. Oh yeah one more thing, doesn't it seem kinda strange to be complaining that a Harley needs constant work on a website dedicated to Hybrid Z's??

Like I said, Its a Lifestyle, not a Fashion Statement.


Oops. sorry, I just kinda have shall we say, a "strong" opinion, and I'm too old to go out and get in bar fights anymore.


Joe (ex-Iron Wheel MC 1%FOREVER)

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Chapparal2F, Not sure if you are serious or what, but I didn't attack all Harley riders. I'd appreciate it if you play by the rules... As for the maintenance on Harleys, I know of others that are more bothersome. At least harleys are easy to get to for valve adjustments and carb tuning. However, make no bones about it, I know of M-A-N-Y sport bikes with well over 100K miles on them. You see, some of us really DO ride and are as passionate about our "Rice Rockets" as you are about your hogs... There are a number of differnet types of 1% in scooter land and life for that matter. It wasn't born in Miwaukee.


As for the comment about the wannabees, we have the same problem in sport bike land... You see the idiots in flip flops, shorts and tank tops on sport bikes doing all sort of stupidity. I personally WILL NOT ride with anyone who isn't in a leather jacket, boots, gloves and proper helmet.. That's just me though.


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I've had a bad attitude ever since the Japanese made it possible for any kid with a little money, and no brains to get a high performance bike and splatter themselves all over the landscape. , I can't understand how a person can think they're safe wearing a two hundred dollar helmet, cut offs, and sandles. I agree with you I won't ride with them. Any time I fell down, it sure wasn't my head that was stuck between the bike and the pavement. (Even though people who know me might disagree :-D )

I was a patch holder (1%er) for a lot of years, and have a real problem with Rubs and their ilk who strut around their designer cutoff levi jackets while bad mouthing the people they don't have balls enough to be. I'm sure that you get them on sportbikes too. I didn't mean to spout off, now I'm just another old phart, but old prejudices die hard. :bonk: Nothing, personal.


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Joe, No harm no foul. I think we're seeing things from the same side of the fence... A poser/ wannabee is a poser/ wannabee. Designer bikers sicken me, no mater the brand.


I'd like to see America go to a stepped licensing program for motorcycles. I think it would save a lot of lives... One true statement about the harley set, you don't read about them cutting cars in half while blasting 130MPH down the street. Wish I could say that for the sport bikers. :shock:


Having had a license to ride two wheels for 20 years, I'm probably as cranky as you when it comes to these idiots! :lol: On the flip side, maybe it's god's way of adding clorine to the gene pool! :D 8)



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Guest Smooth Operator

I was in the market for a bike last year before I got the Z. I was mostly looking at the late 70's and early 80's KZ's. I thought about getting a HD (its kind of a family thing), but my Dad's 84 Sportster is always down, something new all the time. So it usually just sits, he won't sell it to me though, says it's too big, too much power. I don't think he really wants me riding around the streets on a bike anyway with all the crazy drivers around here. I think Ill wait a few more years before I really consider getting a street bike. Finish my Z's first. 8)

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Ok, so I guess we have opinions now on types of bikes as well as types of bikers :D

I personally am very happy with my Honda Rebel (Yes, it's a 450 not a 250). As a Rebel owner I almost always catch flak from a lot of guys that think I am a poser or just a kid that wishes he had a HD. Many times though I get waves and nods from all kinds of fellow cruisers including HDs when they take a closer look and can tell that I respect the bike and the road. I agree that there is nothing more annoying than those people that ride bikes in clothes that I wear on laundry day or ride through traffic like it is their own personal slalom.

I guess what it all comes down to is; find a bike that you like, respect it, and respect the road.


For carrying passengers I would recommend a cruiser, touring or standard style no less than a 650cc. If you find any bike you are considering, take your wife to check it out and just sit on it for about 5 minutes. If your butt or her butt starts to hurt, you definitely want to consider that when it comes to riding any distance. Bikes with larger seat areas are more comfortable, and typically easier to get replacement seats for or to have a shop change the padding to something more comfortable.

I am a believer that all bikes are built great. If it has been taken care of and you take care of it, it will last a very long time. Just decide what features are most important to you.


Oh ya, and I imagine trikes are very fun, and I plan to build one in the future, but I cant see how ones with stretched handlebars like in your pic would be anywhere near nice to ride. :puke:

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
I'd like to see America go to a stepped licensing program for motorcycles. I think it would save a lot of lives...


I fear that there would be no way to do such a thing. If you increase the licensing process then anyone could play it cool and act good natured until they get their license. As we have seen with cars, if you put rev limiters and speed limiters then the drivers just take them off so that wouldnt be an alternative either.


I think the closest we could come to making a difference would be to have very stiff penalties for unsafe riding. As it sits now there still isnt much to worry about if your insurance rate even doubles because that would be going from around $100 a year to $200 a year. Woopty doo. How about a hefty fine on the first offense and impound the bike and take the license on the second? :-D

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I don't think you understand the stepped approach. In Japan you can't get licensed to the next class of motorcycle until you have spent a designated amount of time on your current ride... There are VERY FEW liter class motorcyclists in Japan because of this reason.


It keeps less skilled and more irresponsible riders on smaller bikes (125CC-250CC) for a MUCH LONGER time period. And if you get a ticket, you can lose the right to have an M class forever, depending on the infraction. See, In Japan they don't screw around with licensing... Something we need to get a better handle on here.



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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Oh, misread, I thought you said stepped up as in a little bit more difficult. A stepped approach would be a great idea. Maybe we could get Gray Davis to throw that one on for a last hurrah before he is ousted! (Just tell him he could tax it or something) :lol:

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I have a serious problem with this idea... mainly due to the fact I have been riding for better than 6 years and I have NEVER had a valid permit.

Mike, you live in the great state of VA as do I and I would guess you at least know that our state can be anal about allowing US to get a valid permit. I bought my first street bike in VA about 7 years ago only to find out that unless your testing for a DL at a AMA event or while accompanied by a licsence rider at the testing facility while holding a learners MC learners you can and most likely will be denied the right to a road test. I have been thru the AMA safty course, but outside my home state and didnt test during the course... I have been to the DMV no less than 5x to attempt to obtain my MC DL and never was able to test so I have never obtained my legal permit to operate the bike i have owed for 6+ years. I have been told by test admins at the DMV to leave and return when i can meet their requirements when they have known i arrived on a bike illegally. Until recently when I was forced to ditch my bike I have always been insured and responsbile and have responsibly operated all classes of motorbike from the 500cc to 1200cc+ range. I would never try to go wheel to wheel with you on the track but I am the definatioon of the responsible street rider.

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Actually Craig that is wrong. YOu go in and take the written test. You will be issued a learners permit for 30 days. At the end of that 30 days you are allowed to go in and take the riding test and then get your M-Class put on it. Last year when I bought the GSXR750 I found out that somewhere along the line my M class fell off. I just said screw it and got the learners permit and drove by myself for the 30 days (Supposed to be accompanied by a licensed driver) and took the skills test (ANY local DMV will give it to you) and you are $20 lighter in the wallet.


Get it man, the ticket is just not worth it. It will cost you more in one traffic stop! :shock:


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