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Coil Overs

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This may be a dumb question but I can't seem to get it answered by searching. What does a coil over set give you other than adjustable ride height? The term is confusing to me because every strut I have ever seen has the spring over it. :oops: From what I can tell a coil over set is simply a threaded tube allowing you to raise or lower the spring. Does it also allow you to compress the spring for greater stiffness? Thanks!

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Ok. Simply put, corner weighting balances the car. Here is a popular link to the concept http://www.grmotorsports.com/cornerweight.html.


But the easiest to understand explanation compares corner weights to a 4 legged chair with a leg that is a little long. The chair rocks on the diagonal legs. The length of the long leg (or the shorter legs) needs to be adjusted so the chair will sit flat.


On a car, this translates into improved handling.


--John B

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good link, Gramer.... tho it would be a 4-wheeled chair, that you need to determine if it will have a full fuel tank, where you are sitting on it, whether it will be left turn only, and make sure the the floor is level, and the wheels are all correctly inflated..... lol wow, lotta info.... mostly not needed unless you are going competitive, or are completely ANAL.... now I just need to decide how competitive and anal I am going to get, lol

thanks for the steer...



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mostly not needed unless you are going competitive, or are completely ANAL....


It does make a difference you can feel and quantify in competitive driving. On the street, well I certainly would never notice the difference there. I drive like an old lady on the street. Maybe my street car should be a low rider :)


--John B

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