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It's alive! It's aliiiiiiiiive!


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Cranked it up guys. :)

Turned out the timing was advanced 180 degrees...

Rice Killer Racing is back in business. ;)

Thanks alot Tim, and the others of you that lent your support. I've got to adjust the shift linkage this afternoon, and then I'm going for a little cruise. :)


P.S. >>> Anyone up for another SEZ meet sometime soon? lol

Seriously, how often do they have this event?



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I guess you don't want to sell it now.


Well, the next time you get frustrated with it, and there will be a next time.

Give me a call.


HOT ROD's are like women, you have to work on them all the time and they will put you in a bad mood every once in a while.


Enjoy working on it, to me, that is half the fun of it.



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Hooray! I'm glad to hear your only problem was with the timing. Cheap fix!!!


I can't pass up this opportunity to get on my soapbox. This is the way life is with a lot of things - it looks hopeless and all is lost, then when you calm down and think things through, you find that the answer was under your nose all along. The next time you get so frustrated and angry you want to give up, FORCE yourself to calm down and take a breather. Almost always there's another solution you just haven't thought of yet, and you won't think of it while you're upset.


I'm glad you're on the road again!

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