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90-96 z32 Chevy 350 SWAP

Guest defuse411

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Guest defuse411

Is there any companies that make a mount kit so this engine will bolt right in?


and what kind of problems will there be for a 5-6 speed trany shifter location

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search ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sûrch)

v. searched, search·ing, search·es

v. tr.

To make a thorough examination of; look over carefully in order to find something; explore.

To make a careful examination or investigation of; probe: search one's conscience for the right solution to the problem.

Law. To make a thorough check of (a legal document); scrutinize: search a title.

To examine in order to find something lost or concealed.

To examine the person or personal effects of in order to find something lost or concealed.

To come to know; learn.

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Welcome to hybrid Defuse. What jmead is suggesting is using the search feature. It really will be a wonderful help. Much has be discussed on this subject. Short answer: no kits, yes it has been done (very short list though), many challenges.


Do a search, read up. Best way to get up to speed fast. :D

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I found this post from you....


Posted: 12 May 2003 21:18 Post subject: will a zx 5 spd bolt up to a 76 l28?




I've just got a quick question. I found someone selling a few 5spds from 80 280zx's, and would like to know if one would bolt up to my l28. I've got an auto right now, and really want to make the swap, I'm just not sure if it would work.


Also, he's asking $200 + shipping, this sound like a good deal? I think the price is right but I'm not sure what one would normally go for.


Thanks for any input.


From the sounds of it, when you first came here, you didn't realize how to use the search engine either. Perhaps instead of throwing up a dictionary version of the word search, maybe you can help new members out by getting them pointed in the right direction.


Just my opinion...


Anyway, Defuse, basically, in a nutshell, the JTR ( http://www.jagsthatrun.com ) kit seems to be one of the better ones out there as it sets the engine in the ideal location for weight distribution and has the most comprehensive manual for installing a V8 into a Z.

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Guest Smooth Operator

I dont have a Z32 around or have seen too many in person to compare but it seems like it wouldnt be much harder than an S30 conversion. Maybe some hood clearance issues but that can be fixed with a hammer. I might end up having to go that route anyway since its hard to find a Z in suitable condition, let alone Z's at all around here. Plus the improved suspension and interior would be good perks.

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