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hey guys.. im in texas now!

Guest ON3GO

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hey guys..

well im in houston texas... its ok.. been bored like mad.

i went to the street races the other day and boy oh boy i cant wait for my datsun to get done and shipped here.... they wont even no whats hitting them!

i saw 1!!!!!!!! old Z.. it was a 280Z, red and in good shape.

im now looking for a job.. anybody know of any?

my Z is still in FL, getting the drivers side rear suspension put in by my dad then its off for my motor then here... i just hope i can find a place that will ship the Z, being as its so low... and cheaply!

if anybody wants to meet up and show me around that would be badass!!!! im so bored and theres nobody here that really knows what there talking about with cars.. well cars i like anyways.

my cell number is 281-989-4947... call any time.. just ask for mike :)

well c ya guys... im gonna go driving around in my slow ass ford ranger.. and MAN ppl drive like MAD NUTS around here.. im freaking out.

cya guys.



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hey mike,


It might be cheaper to just pay somebody here to drive it out there for you. that is, if you can find somebody to trust.


But, from my experience, as well as several others from the board, its going to be easier to trust a hybridz member, then allot (if not most) of the shipping companies. chances are, somebody here could drive it to you in about 12 hours if they drive non stop.


geez...even you could buy a one way ticket on a friday night, and be back in houston by saturday night/sunday morning.


it certainly would be an interesting experience, as well as a story to tell.




Glad to hear you made it to houston A-ok. finding a part time job should be easy as cake, there are a fare amount of speed shops or machine shops that would probably hire you on under an apprenticeship deal.




most shipping costs will run up into the 600$ range for an open carrier. If you get into the enclosed carrier,your looking at around 1K.

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Guest Chris240turbo

Welcome to Houston Mike! how do you like the Rain? of course I guess being from Florida, thunderstorms are nuthing new to you, Give me a call sometime if you'd like, I dunno my way around all that well (this town is HUGE, and fairly disgusting traffic wise) but we could certainly meet up and talk about old Datsuns, good luck with school :)


Chris 281-351-0956

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Yeah, welcome to Texas! I will be inbound on the 18th. The car ships out on the 10th and will arrive in Dallas around the 21st of November. I can't wait. Good luck in school, it will all be worth it later. By the way, the military does pay 100% tuition up to Bachelors now... :D



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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Hope you like it there in TX, I dont think I could stand it. Hopefully you have some better luck there.


If you find any cute cowgirls send them my way :wink::cheers:

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Guest 1975yellowBSPZ

welcome back to "civilization" corZette. Maybe some of us Dallas types should all get togther at Papas bbq or someplace and welcome you back.



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