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About to shoot the car!

Guest 240hybrid

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Guest 240hybrid

Well the time is nearing real quick, I think that I will be able to shoot the Z with her new coat of cherry red come this Sunday. I have worked countless hours, probably 80-100 (maybe more still) in all cutting out a few of the rusted areas in the lower rockers and front fenders, shaving the rear bumper and 1/4 panel lights. Man, getting the rear nice and smooth was a PITA :x and took more time than prepping/smoothing out the rest of the entire car! I think tomorrow will be the last few hours doing a final comb over the entire car and wrapping up a few small areas here and there. I can't explain how happy I am to be a few hours away from being done with body work :D , and a about a day away from spraying. I'll try to get work in progress and after pics posted here in the next few days!

My brother has a 10x25 or so canopy, and he's letting me use the skeleton/frame work, and using plastic make into a paintbooth. I was wondering if I should place a 2'x2' fan set on low, pulling the overspray out of the booth or just leave a small portion open so that the mist has less of a chance to settle back onto the car? Thanks Chase

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I know exactly how you feel!! I just sprayed my car last Sunday! I spent 120-130 hours on the rear panel alone!! I've spent 2 years doing bodywork, so having the car in color is a HUGE landmark for me!! So anyways, I can appreciate your excitement. One piece of advise that I can give is to look VERY VERY VERY carefully for small imperfections, like sanding scratches, little nicks (especially on the edges/folds in the sheetmetal). Those things will stick out like lighthouses once the color is applied....trust me on this one. I went over my car for two days doing nothing but closely inspecting for the above and thought I was in the clear. Once I got it to the booth, my neighbor (the body guy who shot it) found about a dozen spots that needed attention!!

As for the fan, make sure that the fan is blowing in, not sucking out, unless you have an explosion proof fan (class 1, Division 1,2 compliant), otherwise the paint vapors can ignite!! Use an air conditioning filter from Home Depot to blow through to keep the dirt down, and wet the floor down before you begin spraying.

I was lucky enough to get the use of a down draft heated booth. After the clear was applied, the cure cycle in the booth sent the temp to +155*F!!!


Good Luck!!


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Guest 240hybrid

Yeah that rear panel (shaving the rear bumper) was a pain, but well worth it. I appreciate the support and tips to check the body over, I'm going to have my brother and maybe 1 other person look over the body also. It always seems to help when you have other people look at the same thing, they always seem to find something you miss.

Thanks for the tip on the fan blowing in not sucking out...I was sitting around and thought about the Z and I being consumed by a fireball if the fumes were to ignite from the fan and that is why I asked.

Do I want to leave a small opening in the opposite side of the booth to let the air out as the fan (with filter) blows in?? Once again, thanks for the tips. I saw your pics you posted on the way to the booth, very nice. Looks real slick with that big list of stuff you shaved....can't wait to see it in color. What color are you going with....silver? Well anyways, can't wait to see the end product when you get pics of it.


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Guest polarity

When I saw this I started screaming YA!!!!!!.. Shoot that thing.. :cuss: then i quickly saw you ment with paint. haha sorry sometimes car gives me such fits I'd like to just shoot it.




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Make sure that the plastic is COMPLETELY sealed. Even in a sealed downdraft booth there was crap in the air. Then, cut out a section where the blowing fan will go and tape the filter to that cutout so it's completely sealed again. Put the fan up against the filter.

Cut a vertical slit for you to get in and out of, and tape another sheet of plastic over that slit (on the inside). That way the slit is covered and you can push aside the extra piece when you want to enter/exit.

Then cut a series of slits in the side opposite the fan (for air to escape), and then tape a piece of plastic on the outside of the 'tent' covering those slits. That way air can escape, but if the wind blows, it will push the extra piece against the tent and no crap can get in.


Hope that helps....




BTW....Not silver :D



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what do i get for winning :D:wink:

but really.. i thought u posted pics and then u didnt.. i like fell off the chair saying "ive been tricked!"


purrdy please..



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I'll try to post some tomorrow (have a date with the Wife tonight!).

Color is:

PPG Amethyst Violet Metallic. 1998 SAAB color chip book.


Looks black until direct light hits it, then there is a deep pearlescent plum purple. Absolutely gorgeous, and that from a very fussy person!


As for prize....I'll buy you a beer next time you're in CA! :D



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I'll try to post some tomorrow (have a date with the Wife tonight!).

Color is:

PPG Amethyst Violet Metallic. 1998 SAAB color chip book.


Looks black until direct light hits it' date=' then there is a deep pearlescent plum purple. Absolutely gorgeous, and that from a very fussy person!






Sounds yummy! :D



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Guest 240hybrid

Well, I didn't get quite as much as I wanted done today, but hey, why rush it? After removing everything :? , finding and fixing all the flaws, and masking everything most of the day was gone. But I did get the chassis, hood, and 1 fender coated with primer-surfacer, so thats not too bad. All went very well when spraying, no runs that I could see or any really noticable ripples or high/low spots. The gun I bought is very nice and I was very comfortable with it, this being my first time painting a car and all. I'm going to do a bunch of practice before I start shooting the color though. The gun I bought is a "Divilous" Finishline....I think that's how you spell the brand name, can't remember??

Hopefully tomorrow I can finish the rest of the parts and start guide-coating them. I'll get some pics of the progress and end result here in a few days...been pretty busy lately though. Oh yeah, I can't wait to see your car Tim.



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Guest 240hybrid

Yeah I've been cleaning the gun very well...don't want a unless $130.00 paperweight. My fingertips are just as smooth as the car parts from all the wet sanding I've been doing :o ! I was told that 500 grit wetsanding is good enough for the color Im using, but Im going to hit it with 600 also, just to get the surfacer as smooth as I can. So far its going great, everything is smooth as glass and should turn out good...I hope :lol: . I have a couple pics of the parts and the car coated in primer surfacer in my album.....



Not the greatest pics, but I had just went out to start the day in the 1st pic thats why theres parts stored around the car and nothings wetsanded, but you get the idea....I wish I had more room though. Right now it's either the car and the doors or its all the other parts in the booth. A bit of a hassle, but I can live with it though.


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