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How to set up a fuel pump relay in a turbo 240?

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

Considering how everyone and their mother recommends doing this on here... I thought it common enough that the guy who did my swap would have done this too... Just thought that would be a given, but... noooooope. I never bothered to check until the other day when I noticed I only have one relay in the whole setup and it definately aint for the fuel pump. There are two wires that go back to the pump, a red one, which I believe just goes from a 12v key on source directly to the pump, and a white one, which is grounded to the firewall. I also notice the other thing that was definately NOT done per the prescribed method here... the ground wire is a dinky little thing! So... I'm thinking when I have some free time I'd like to put a beefier, and definatley shorter, groundwire, and I'd like to set up a relay for the pump.


Problem is I dont even know where to start, with that relay.


Which relay do I need? Can I just walk into AutoZone and get the one I need or is it something I'm gonna have to scavage off of another Z?


Can someone give me detailed wiring instructions to set this thing up right?


And now the stupid question... I'm doing this just because eveyrone on here recommends it... but... the thing I dont even know... what does the relay do??? I mean, the fuel pump seems to work fine w/o it. What are the benefits/uses?

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You can get the relay at autozone or radio shack, I use Bosch only for important relays like this because I like Bosch.

If you type in fuel pump hotwire, or fuel pump relay on google.com, there will be 1000000000 different sites that show you the same way to hotwire the fuel pump, from Buicks to Dsms...

it does make a difference.

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got cut off before I could finish next response, so short version


consistent minimum of 12v is important because fuel pump is rated at its gph lph whatever at 12v and some 13.5v, stock fuel pumps are run much less than that in general because they arent running well under max output under the hood as well, and dont need to. when you run boost and f--- with things, you need more fuel, and thats one way to make sure one part of your fuel system is running at its peak potential.


thats why.

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Guest bastaad525

THAT I would like... I keep saying I NEED to install a killswitch.


So the car will run better with this installed?


Also, one thing I notice that I KNOW is not right... my fuel pump has no built in shutoff... as in... okay in my stock n/a zx, if you turned the key to the on position, the fuel pump would come on for like 3-5 seconds, and then shut off. Or if you were driving and somehow stalled the car, after a few seconds it would shut off. My current setup does not do this. Will the relay solve that?

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Guest bastaad525

Also, for what it's worth, I can't say I've noticed any problems with the car that would seem they were caused by low fuel supply or a pump not working right.


I do have problems... dont get me wrong ;) but I've traced them down as ignition problems... not that I've solved any of them, but it's very obviously something in the ignition, causing erratic timing and a very noticeable and damn near constant misfire.

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Guest bastaad525

thanks for the link to those instructions, but I have to admit, I'm not sure how they would apply to my car, or more specifically, my alternator...


"Use the other half of the wire to connect prong 86 to the Fuel Pump Primer wire behind the alternator"


I know there are four wires going to the back of my alternator... just installed one yesterday so fresh in my memory. Technically four, two that have eyelet connections that are bolted down, and two that are together and plug into the the two prong plug... which wire does this line refer to?


I think that was the only part I was confused on... heheh actually I'm always confused about everything when it comes to this stuff. You know, when I was a kid I was an electrical genius... 7 years old and *I* would be the one to say... hook up the new stereo to the TV and VCR and get it all working right.... now whenever I look at wiring I start feeling faint and confused... get the cold sweats... man I shoulda stuck with SU's :-P

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