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The end of the world approacheth

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

Quote from NicRebel from another thread of mine, regarding all the bad luck I was having with problems arising daily with my 240Z Turbo:


"Damn, one of these times you are going to have like perfect luck for a whole week and the world is going to blow up around you"


Well gents, I have come to warn you to take your last vacations and kiss all your loved ones goodbye, for it seems the world has only two days left before it goes kablooie :bonk:


Heheh sorry I could not resist... anyways this is my way of saying that amazingly, the Turbo has been 99% PROBLEM FREE for a whopping FIVE DAYS NOW!!! After that last day in which my starter, MSD unit, AND another alternator failed (rebuilt one from auto zone... turns out it wasn't put together right, a brush was out of alignment or something, and got broken, the two that went bad before that were used, not rebuilt), the car has been driven every day and has not had a single problem :rockon: The car starts right up every time, no fuss, usually after only a split second of cranking. It runs really smooth despite not having the MSD anymore... though I do have to run with my O2 sensor disconnected or the car runs noticeably worse... even doing that though, there's still one thing, it does a hiccup, you can feel it, really pronounced, if you sit at idle and slowly raise the revs up, at about 1k revs it literally hiccups, like one really bad miss, or what I dont know, almost like the engine cuts for a split second, then revs fine above that. It's not continuous though, even if I rev to that point where it happens and hold it there, it only does it for a split second then is fine, but it does it EVERY TIME I bring it back up to that point... never when the revs are dropping though, only when they are climbing. I'm still thinking some kind of problem with the TPS, though I tested the TPS with a volt meter and saw that it actually is going open at around 800rpm, not 1000rpm, where the hiccup is... so I'm mystified. Otherwise, the really bad stumble/misfire/jerking that the car exhibited at cruise before I installed the MSD, amazingly seems to have fixed itself. Speaking of which... the car seems to want to make up for all that has gone wrong... here is a short list of problems that have fixed themselves:


The #5 cylinder, which after the water pump went bad and the engine overheated, registered only 20psi of compression... engine idled really lumpy, and was smoking from the exhaust again. Thought for sure I'd cracked a ring, after just installing new ones. After 15 minutes of driving, the idle smoothed back out, motor stopped smoking, and compression on all six is back to being even! Thinking this can only be one of two things, maybe a ring DID indeed colapse from the overheat (and/or possibly some detonation I thought I MAY have heard when it was overheating), and then somehow worked it's way loose and expanded back out after being driven for a bit... or, something was jamming a valve, not letting it close all the way. The second theory might explain why the car idled lumpy, but seemed to rev fine and drive fine. Either way, who cares, it's fine now!


The above mentioned stumble and severe misfire when cruising at street speeds, which mostly went away after installing the MSD, and now has completley gone away after taking the MSD back out!


A small one here, but still nice, my right front turn signal light, which has never worked since I got this 240 body (over a year ago) has mysteriously started working again.


And lastly, whatever was causing the thing to run rich after the head rebuild, has also apparently cleared itself up. All spark plugs look just about how their supposed to now. This may have something to do with me disconnecting the O2 sensor. There is still some of the yellow build up stuff on the plugs, which seems to be cleaning off now as opposed to getting worse... the closest thing I can compare this to would be the haynes manual's description for "High Speed Glazing" which is when temps in the cylinder get way too hot way too fast (sounds like something that a turbo motor would do :P ) and it recommends going to a colder plug than stock, which I will most likely do after I get paid next week.


So... finally I am getting a little rest, and have really been happy with the car and have been having a blast driving it. Another one of the best parts is fuel mileage seems to be up a bit. I was averaging about 20mpg's during mostly-freeway driving before. Two days ago I full tanked it and went for an 80 mile traffic free drive, and seem to be averaging closer to 25mpg's now. And not having to open the hood in three days has been killer :D If it stays this way, I should have it painted within a month or two at the most. Then I'll track down this hiccup at 1k rpms, and start working on adding some performance. Ah... but then again... there's that whole world-blowing-up-in-two-days thing... damn :D

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Guest bastaad525

The last day ;) I just hope the world blows up WHILE I'm driving, then I can die happy :)


Cars still doing fine, no troubles at all other than what I mentioned above with that hiccup, oh and that the car HATES being cold when I start it up in the mornings... my fault though for going to a '75 intake manifold and taking off all the cold start stuff... I can deal.


Oh and rainy season is jusssssssst starting here in SoCal... scary driving this thing in the rain, lost traction in 3rd gear last night, plus i have no heater/defroster... just a handy squeegee. I hate even thinking about what all this moisture is doing to the cars 30 year old body...


I dont know what it is about the car, ever since I put the turbo in there. I used to be VERY confident in this things ability to handle, I'd take it up and down swirvy mountain roads, and my courage would give out long before the tires would even the slightest noise... and let me tell you that I dont chicken out easy, I mean, I was at a point where the only thing keeping me in my seat was my firm grip on the steering wheel (Z seats SUCK for this kind of driving)!!! Now for some reason I seem to have lost all confidence in the cars ability to handle... I can't say for sure if the car feels any different, or if it's just me, but I've been really scared to push the handling limits of this thing as of late. And in the rain it is near terrifying....


I want to inspect the suspension soon and see if maybe I have leaky rear shocks or something because the car does feel a bit more 'floaty' I guess... again possibly just in my head.

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Guest bastaad525

NicRebel you lied... we're all still here :-P


well... she's still running good... been over a week now... still a scary ride, I dunno if that means I have succeeded in making if 'fast' or what... never used to be scary with the N/A motor.


I think my rear shocks may be damaged and leaking... the rear just feeling kind floaty sometimes. I know there was one time I hit a dip really bad... long time ago, but still... when I went to take a look at them, I saw that the guy who installed them did not use bump stops... IDIOT... so they may have been bottomed out and damaged. And if they were, they aren't covered by warranty... the guy who sold them to me says it's very easy to tell if bump stops weren't used and that voids the warranty right there. Dammit.... well... I'll find out soon enough I guess.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I'm just glad I am not a good prophesizerer :D

I'll just stick to my story-tellin. Did you check out my Z story in the Non-Tech forum?



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