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custom interior idea


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the only think about using felt or sweater stuff with the epoxy insted of the fiber glass is that it will be more flimsy. the good thing is though if you hit it by accident you shouldnt get those nasty crack lines like you would with thin fiber glass parts. if you do this there are a few helpfull hints. just like with fiberglass work you will want to sqidgy out the extra resin. if you have to much it will not be as strong and will be uneven. i would recomend if you try to do this, sand it after it hardens, find some good paint and paint over it, because the epoxy will not have an even texture unless you did a very good job with the sqidgy. plus some peoples skin is sensitive to the epoxy.

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The t-shirt is used for the initial shape and then covered with glass mat or cloth for strength. Check out termpro.com,


theres a bunch of info here.

I'm in the process of making new door panels and will smooth out the dash using a bondo and resin mixture which can be painted on (so I heard).


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Guest 240hybrid

1 more very important tip...wear a mask or respirator when sanding fiberglass and expoxies, mainly the fiberglass though. The dust from sanding it is known to cause lung cancer and isn't too good for you breathing either.

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yea what he said. ^


not only can it cause canser, but it it will kinda cut up the lungs, the left overs from sanding the stuff are sharp..... fiber "glass" avoid splinters they are anoying. if you have never worked with the stuff read a book or do some research before you work with it, and read the instructions that come with them. you know the ones that normaly say things like, "use in a well ventilated area". just be safe.

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you might also be talking about gelcoat.... gelcoat is used for making reproduction fiberglass pieces... it captures the details much better than fiberglass.... like a liquid fiberglass putty if you will. dryies as hard as epoxy... and usually white or black... great stuff used on boats all the time.



Also... I'd like to add when sanding fiberglass ALWAYS WEAR EYE PROTECTION!!!!! My best friends dad almost lost an eye because a splinter went into his eye, luckily they were able to remove it, but it did worsen his vision in that eye. And don't wear the cheap dust mask... wear either a paint resperator or the heavy duty dust mask.

Can you really put a price on your life?

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you know this brings to mind a story. i know this guy who was once working on busting out some concrete with the door closed. someone walked in and asked what he was thinking not wearing a mask and he looked at the guy pointed at his cigaret and said "filter". the other guy closed the door and started to laugh like crazy. god i have some stupid friends. but they are good friends

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