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AS for megasquirt itself, how to build, test, and tune is covered very well in the manual. The more interesting details that you would probably want are the specifics for installation on z cars. I am installing it on the 83 L28et engine so I can fill in the specifics about that. In particular, how to trigger MS, maybe how to wire MSD unit to it or the GM HEI module. How and where to connect sensors on the engine for it to work. Using squirt'nspark code to control ignition. I can put the info I know together once I am completely finished with the install.


I am sure you will want someone else to add details on using MS with non-turbo engines. More specific, how to trigger MS with other distributors than the 83 turbo type. Where you may want to locate sensors for non-turbo, etc.


I don't think it would take a very long document to cover the details of installing MS on a turbo or non-turbo z car. I think the bulk of details for MS are covered in the MS manual.

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I have been running an a megasquirt unit for 6 months know. That is 6 months of daily driving and it didn't let me down ones. The building of the unit is well documented on the megasquirt site especially this one is a good site to start: http://members.shaw.ca/megasquirt/MS%20FAQ.htm


I guess for me the hardest part was fabricating the wiring loom. I think that that is where most off your brainpower should be spent. My car is a 260Z converted to injection. It would be a lot easier to start with a fuel injected 280Z. That way you can use stock injectors, pressure regulator, fuel pump etc... .Then ones it runs you can upgrade anything and be able to reprogram ass you see fit.


The reason I went for the megasquirt is that I didn't want to spent money on the useless flattop hitachi SU carbs.

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I might be able to provide some of the details for the install as well.


I'm just finishing up a megasquirt ver2 which is going into a 72 240z N/A. Just waiting for delivery of the injector resistors before I tried to start the car.


There are some pictures from a couple of weeks ago in my personal album, and would be happy to share some of the problems I've encountered throughout the install.

The Megasquirt site made making the boards very easy. All my difficulties have come from wire loom creation and sensor choices. This has caused some long nights trying to debug the system.


CAR SPECS - '72 240z, L28 N/A motor, N42 head, headers, Racer Brown 325 cam, 280ZX electronic dizzy, Stock tach (runs off + power). Fuel injection manifold is from 280zx N/A motor. 280zx N/A stock injectors, MAF his not being used, Coolant sensor is 280zx, IAT is GM - Corvette ZR1, TPS is GM 3 wire unit. EGO is GM single wire.

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