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welding the holes in, pics

Guest bigjim240z

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Guest bigjim240z

here are some rough pics of the welding i did the other day. im shaving the side markers and all emblem holes. still early in and i have alot to do, but im moving foward. 240z_work_027.jpg%20240z_work_025.jpg240z_work_042.jpg240z_work_041.jpg

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Guest bigjim240z

all the side markers and emblem holes are welded in. now if my compressor will stop giving me problems i can da sand the car. i plan to have the compressor fixed by tonight. friday i will da sand the whole car, then move on to getting the flares ready to be welded on. once the flares are in place ill start with the filler work, primer, block sanding, more block sanding, more block sanding, then final primer sealer and paint. ive got alot of work to go, but i know when the compressor is up and going to night i can really start moving on this project. if you want to see more pics, there are a few posts in this forum with pics. see ya jim.

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Sorry if this is off topic but I cannot view the pics you posted Tim I can't view your Avatar either but on my computer @ home it is no problem. Is it a flash plugin I am missing. Once again sorry, but I figured it would be better to post here with an example rather than in site support due to the fact that it is only certain posts such as this that I cannot view.

Thank you for the help!!



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Guest bigjim240z

you know what i did for the metal..lol.its kinda funny, i had an old datsun hood out back of my house, so i cut flat peices out of it and cut them to fit in the side marker holes. worked perfect. im gona also shave the vent holes in the cowl. so ill use more of that old bent up datsun hood.

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you know what i did for the metal..lol.its kinda funny, i had an old datsun hood out back of my house, so i cut flat peices out of it and cut them to fit in the side marker holes. worked perfect. im gona also shave the vent holes in the cowl. so ill use more of that old bent up datsun hood.



Think very carefully about if you want to do this. I would not do it again if I were to do it over!!!! That metal on the cowl is very thin and very hard to sand the filler on. When you weld on it, it WILL warp, and you will have to recreate the bodyline that follows the hood power bulge. It took me about 60 hours to get mine right. It's alot of work. But if you have the time and patience, go for it. If it wasn't for the excellent advise from my neighbor (long time body man), I would never have gotten it looking right. What i would do instead, and my neighbor agrees, is just glue (with a body epoxy) a piece of sheetmetal under the vents, then fill the vents with fiberglass reinforced filler. Sand that down, then skim with plastic filler.

Just trying to help someone from my limited experience.....





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Guest bigjim240z

hey tim, i know its gona be a major b*tch. this isnt my car, its bpatrols (philip). this is somthing he asked if i could do. im gona give it a shot, if it fails i will talk it over with him and just stick on another cowl that i have here already. i figured it was gona warp when i welded it in, but i didnt realize it was as thin as you said, ive done a few like this on s10 chevys and they turned out good, but the chevy cowl is very thick metal. well all i can do is try and see how it goes. philip, what do you think about this new discovery?

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Guest bigjim240z

man tim, 60 hours? theres no way im gona have enough time to put 60 hours into a cowl..wow! hope all goes well, if not i have another perfect cowl on a part car ill have to throw on. i just got an idea though, i might just fiberglass it, this way there is no welding or getting it hott to distort it. whatt ya think?

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