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Question about body panel pricing


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Hey guys, just wondering if these are decent prices for panels. This is a quote from 'Showcars.com' BTW. BUT: I only live an hour away, so I will drive down to see them, and check them over before I buy. Here is the list:


Rear quarters - $150 Can.

Door skins (fiberglass) - $125 Can.

Front fenders (fiberglass) - $200 Can.


Really, I'd prefer to have steel doors, but I don't know if I could rebuild mine/find good ones in my area. Anyway, whay to you folks think about these prices?

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Hey man, sounds cool! I was thinking of this weekend, or the next. :lol: punch him in the face eh? I guess he's pissed off a lot of ppl over the years.. oh well.. um.. if you wanted to meet there, what would be good for you? Oh wow.. would you be driving your Z up? I'd love to see it! Let me know what day/time woud be good for you and get back to me here or e-mail. Datsunlover@hotmeil. Talk later man!

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Hey Matt:

Any Saturday around noon is good. Make sure Mr. Show-cars will be there first. Unfortunatly the Z is in a coma for the winter. But your more than welcome to drop by after and check it out.

Send me an e-mail when you have something set up.

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