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street racing ricers crash and burn Saturday night


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Saturday evening I was sitting on my porch when I heard a couple cars tearing down the street they flew past my house I watched the honda and a Neon crash dead into a steam roller that had been doing paving work in a subdivision down from my house. The Honda was upside down and engulfed in flames within seconds. The neon was totally trashed the window blown out and the front was pushed back almost to the window. I couldn't even tell you what kind of Honda the other car was, It was burned beyond reconition. The Steam roller had been pushed back about 10 feet and knocked over into a ditch.


I checked the news but didn't see anything about this.

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The driver of the Neon survived although he was pretty banged up, I think the driver of the honda was pulled from the car but don't know if he lived. The driver of the steam roller was thrown almost 40 feet, Don't know if he survived. I looked on every local news site and didn't see anything about this crash.


The street I live on is over a quarter mile long. very straight and only a single traffic light. not much lighting though and two subdivisions across from each other with kids crossing the street all the time.


I went out Sunday morning and looked at the tire marks, just in front of my house is a set of tire marks that are 20 feet long, Very straight but I never heard or saw either car hit their breaks.


The sad part is their is a race track a few miles down the road from where I live.

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