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Phantom's Phamous!!


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Well - almost. Got a phone call from my 15 yr. old nephew in Florida yesterday afternoon. He had gotten his parents to stop so he could pick up one of his favorite magazines -Sport Compact Car. He is building up an older model Prelude that was his older brothers so he'll have a hot little rice burner once he turns 16. Anyway -he was thumbing through the February 2004 issue and lo and behold -on page 26 - he saw a photo, with caption, of his Uncle's car! I'm still not quite certain how it got in there but it sure got me out of the house and to a magazine stand to get a copy of the magazine.

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Like I said ealier - I'm still not quite sure exactly how it got in there. I remember sending an email to "Turbo & High Performance" magazine with a couple pic's in it when I ragged on them a bit for telling a guy in New York that a V-8 wouldn't fit in a 280ZX. Evidently that magazine is published by the same company that does "Sport Compact Car"? Maybe they talk to each other and the pic's got passed around?

Anyway - I'm not complaining because I was able to get a copy of the magazine for myself.

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