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360 degree photos


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I think Macromedia has software that you can use to show 360 degree photos of things. Anybody heared of this? I looked into it once and d/l'd the software, but I kinda figured that you would need special equipment to take the photos, or at least, you'd need to buy the software to make the photos. :?:


I think it woiuld be just the thing to show off your car. Kinda like a hologram.

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Stuff like this has been around for years, apple had a decent one. I havnt dealt with any for a while.


A really wide angle lense helps, the problem with *most* digital cameras is that they don't have a full 35mm chip, and you get either clipping around the edges or less than optimal detail.


The other thing is that you have to keep the optical center of the camera in the same place otherwise comes out looking bad.


For shooting objects it helps to have a turntable so you can keep the same settings and focal point(important) on the camera. A tuntable large enough to shoot a car on is not very common, but do exist.

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I'm not talking about any panoramic view stuf. I think you might be too.

I didn't think it would be easy, like the panorama stuff is. According to what i remember, you didn't need wide-angle photos, because you're looking into the center, instead of out.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

I was thinking of taking pictures of my car like that and then writing a JAVA applet to make a rotating image. There are a number of programs that help you do that, all you really need are about 6 different angles. I think the cheaper programs are the ones being used for eBay now.


You are talking about something like this, right?


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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Well, yes. To get better quality, more pictures are needed. I was just speaking of a minimum.


I think the best way to do it, would be if you had a large garage. In the center of the ceiling of the garage, you could attach some sort of turn-table or something else that would rotate 360deg. Then make an arm off of that which extends down from the ceiling of the garage and out to a distance of probably about 10 feet from the car (at the closest point, which would be the front and rear of the car) and have the car parked right under the center of the arm. Then you could mount your camera to that arm and just slowly move in a circle around the car and take the pictures. Then you could have every pic at equal distance, elevation, etc. A really interesting effect would be to also mount your light source to that same arm.


Otherwise you could certainly use a rotating platform for the car and then keep the camera on a tri-pod and snap pictures as the car turns. I know that you can rent a compact unit from a number of companies.


If you get the pics taken, you can make everything from a simple animated GIF, to a full 360deg tour of your car.

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That animated gif is pretty good, but do you know of anything that could make a web page so you could pan around using the mouse to click on buttons (left-right, up-down)? I think that's more like what I was thinking


Maybe even zoom in.


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Guest Z Man377

I think i know what your talking about.

Subaru of America has that to view its cars. You download the pic and use the cursor to pull the car around on the screen for different angles. I think it uses Quiktime. just look at the New line of car from subaru And they have it.

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