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76' 280 Running really rough and rich

Guest G-nose240z

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Guest G-nose240z

Hey all

I have a 76' 280z that has started to run really rough and really rich lately. It sounds like it is only running on 5 cyclenders and has a really steady miss through the RPM range. It is also shooting black smoke out the tail pipe. I have checked and replaced a few vacume lines, the AFM, and tried disconnecting the cold start valve but nothing is working.

Any ideas?

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I had a 280zx do that to me. Hard to start, spewed black smoke, missed all through the RPM range, ct. I sold it before I could figure it out, but the guy I sold it to found the problem 3 months later: A bad fuel injector. I did the same thing as you, and started replacing stuf, but didn't think of an injector. "doh!" Make sure to check the whole ignition system too, as a bad plug/wire can do similar things. If everything else checks out and is in proper order, I'd bet you have a bad/failing injector. Try taking all of the injectors out and getting them cleaned, or if you have the $$$, just replace them all. Hope this helps!

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