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Medic! warring graphic! and long

Guest Max383

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well i was bring my z down the street from my friends house to my garage where a new 383 was waiting, but there is a problem the datsun stock engine had a blown head gasket. well the garage is down hill so i though we could roll it, main word being thought. everything was going fine when all of a sudden the car's left front side lifted about two feet from the rest of the car, then fell all the way down to the ground and with a big bang and crush and scrape, the z came to a halt. well i got out of the z thinking my ball joint gave out but to my surprise 2 of the lugs were so rusted that they broke in half causing the wheel to roll off. this was a problem but it became serious when i realized that the datsun had come to rest in the middle of an intersection. well, the only good thing was it was midnight and not much traffic but i still had a z that was not going to move anywhere with out new lugs. :roll: i went to the 24 hour parts store down the street bought lugs and came back. this is when everything went bad the tire was under the front finder so we had to raise the car to get the tire out next we had to get the tire on the hub but the jack we had would not fit under the car since it was already on the ground. with three jacks we finally got the car of the ground and i put the tire on the hub but it was about a half an inch off, my friend seeing this thought well lets try moving the jack but me and the tire were still under the car. suddenly he dropped the jack and the car slipped off the other jacks and the front fender came crashing onto my right hand that was on top of the tire. :oops::shock:

so now the situation is fender then hand then tire. right when the car fell on my hand i lost feeling to my fingers, not the rest of my hand which was in massive pain. my friends rushed to get the car of my with jack but it took my friend who is 7 foot 2 to lift the fender up for me to slide my hand out scrapping the top layer of skin off. when i looked at my hand the fingers lay limp, were purple, and were dripping blood and believe me it hurt. well i should have gone to the hospital right then but the datsun still lay in the street. we jacked the car up well my friends did it i sat on the sidewalk looking at my broken fingers. two hours later the datsun was finally at my garage then i went to the hospital. the x-ray revealed three broken fingers with one of them dislocated. well that’s my story and maybe it's a sign.

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OK if your hand is so busted up... How in the hell did you just type this long ass post??? Must have taken a while, hope your hand heals up OK.


I broke mine one time right hand above the pinky doc didn't set it right now I have a small bow in that bone.


Lucky the cops didn't come and write you a ticket for blocking the inersection.


Please be more careful in the future, imagne if your HEAD was under there!!!



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Sorry to hear about the hand. Crap, that must have hurt. Hope it heals up well. Glad you got the car in the garage, though. Did I read that right you have abudy that is 7 foot 2. Damn that is tall. I'm 6'4" and I would be short next to him.

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