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Brake drum stuck?

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On my new Z i had a wheel cylinder take a $*&@ on me. I cant get the fricken drum off. Im pretty sure that it should come off with the brakes backed off and and nothing else should be holding it. It wont come though. I have heated it, beat the crap out of it, and put a puller on it and nothing. Is there some trick to get it off. Need help soon as possible.


James B.

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I had one stick, after making sure the shoes were retracted (via adjuster) and that the Parking brake was released I heated the center of the drum where it meets the steel of the stub axle. I used a propane torch and after a little bit of heat I heard some pops and was then able to tap the drum off. I sprayed it with PB Blaster first. Heating the drum causes the drum to expand faster then the steel in the stub axle and breaks it free from the rust between the drum and stub axle. I just ran the torch in a circular motion around the center and there was no doubt when it broke free.


- Joe

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Guest Looking for apt in Alb Ny

Give it a good wack. They will stick like cement even if the brake pads are not in the way. Hit it in the center to avoid excessive damage to the drum itself or even hub. This wacking procedure may go on for a long time. I had once bent a front hub wacking a rotor off an old escort. But hey thats ford :) Its okay. Later


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I have run into this isse many times and use this method

Back off adjusters

Apply a penetrating spray(use tube attachment to apply into holes that lugs come out of- Doesn't really matter which brand

Strike the drum between wheel stud on outer face (like you were trying to hammer it further on to hub-This vibrates the bonding corrosion loose)

Apply more spray

Using a 2X4 scrap placed on the back side of the fins stricking outward from underneath car. Speading force over many of the fins keeps them for being damaged.

None of your hammer strikes have to be very hard- Your wiggling the drum loose from the hub-not hammering it off!

I'll work on the drum for maybe 10 minutes then go do something else for a while. Some times when I get back to the problem drum it has released on its own.

Patients and persistance is the key.

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