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Brake system flush anyone???

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Invest in some speed bleeders, but if the MC is really bad, remove it from the car, and clean it throughly. Or, just replace it. Then bleed the entire system multiple times util clean fluid comes out from each corner. Use DOT 4 fluid if you plan on doing motorsport events.



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Guest Chez Roban69

Years ago ( 15 or so ) while rebuilding a 510 for autocrossing, I read somewhere that rubbing alcohol is a good solvent for flushing brake systems - doesn't hurt the rubber seals, is low viscosity to get in all the nooks and crannies, is hydroscopic and "absorbs" any H2O in system, and when drained from plumbing mostly evaporates. Any residual alcohol is flushed while filling and bleeding the system. I've used this idea on several cars and it seems to work well. Most store bought rubbing alcohol is 70% ( 30% H2O ). I searched a bit and found some 90% alcohol for brake work; recently I found 90% and 100% isopropyl alcohol at the pharmacy at Costco.

BTW, I'm in the process of resusitating a barn queen 260. The brake cylinder was brown and gooey - more than any other car I've worked on. I got uneasy and decided to pull and check the proportioning valve and safety valve. The "plungers" in both valves were seized. A real mess. I was able to successfully clean and reinstall them both.


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Guest Chez Roban69

Another thought on brakes...I have purchased "rebuilt/remanufactured" master cylinders for various Datsuns and found two that had bores in worse shape ( pitted, eroded ) than the cores. Check it out. Robin

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