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Another B.S. offer/scam!!!!!!!!!


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I got another scam offer on my 408ci Rodek SBC I'm selling.


Just read this:


Dear Sir/Madam.


I am Von Heinz ,sales manager for Skylinkautoprocurement,Ports Corporation of Queensland GPO Box 409 Brisbane Qld 4001, Australia.We specialise in purchase of automobiles for customers in Europe,and we get paid in commission,after payment has been confirmed by the seller to the buyer.


At present we have a customer interested in purchasing your goods mentioned above for the sum of $6,000,and we will arrange for the pick up of the item once payment is confirmed cleared by you.


Please acknowledge the offer and we will inform the buyer of your confirmation of acceptance to sell and have the funds remitted to you as soon as possible. NOTE: My customer is a diplomat and due to his job and duties he would want this to be kept in your utmost conifidentiality and trust,till the end of this transaction.I hope you can understand. I look up to hearing from you.






If I wasn't so serious about selling this: http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=30605 I'd be LMAO!



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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Akeizm lays the smackdown


:malebitchslap: :rockon:


I agree with J. Soileau, if they talked like a normal person, they would probably get somewhere. It's like those email worms. You wouldnt open it if it said. "Greetings to you my dear friend. It has been many days since we last conversed..." :lol:

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