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LS1 / T56 Update #33

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Items outstanding from #32 include the brakes, tires & exhaust.

The Porterfield R4S pads arrived and have been installed. Definitely an improvement over their AutoZone predecessors. Also noted that one pad had twice as much wear on it as the other three and located a sticky piston on the drivers side inside. Good excuse for another brake upgrade!

Still need to replace the brake fluid to get ready for TMS.

Starter went schizophrenic on me two weeks ago. Turned out some of the wiring was just a bit too close to the exhaust and literally got fried. Rerouted the wiring and redid the heat shield around the starter and all is wonderful there now.

Quote for 3 1/2" exhaust, Y-pipe back was $500. Ouch. Contemplating dual 2 1/2" to aft off the rear axle and then into a 3 1/2". Concerned about ground clearance.

Shifted desires from Kumho Victoracers to Ecsta V700's. Specs look like they might fit with my car a bit better. Still haven't gotten them though.

Sure is nice to have all the climate control stuff fixed and be able to turn the AC on and freeze out the cabin rather than continually bake my right foot.

Drivetrain still bullet proof. Engine, tranny & rear end running smoothly and with plenty of oomph when I call for it. I do enjoy driving this car!

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