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me vs new cobra


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Well, had a memorable drive home from work tonight. In fact, I had a blast!! :D

I came off of interstate 4 (for you locals) onto the 528 (Beeline). There was an 04 Cobra in front of me and we played cat and mouse until there was an open window of no traffic. I was in 3rd gear (~ 13 psi) and he jumped on it in font of me. We had 2 lanes, so I went to the outside lane and just walked a car in front of him. We had a long drive home, so the cat and mouse game went on for a little while. I kept running in front of him and after some 3rd to 4th gear pulls, I would slow down at the nearly the top of 4th. I would hit the brakes a few times to let him know that I was slowing down. At the first toll booth on 528, I was right behind him as he went through the E-pass lane, which I did too. I saw him jump into it again and move into the right lane (must've known I was coming) and as exhaust passed out his tailpipes, I stepped into it again and went past him, shifting 4th, and then eventually shifting into 5th, burying the speedo (160+), with him falling back. We pulled off at the next exit together and cordially waved to each other. I do not know what mods he had other than gauge pillars on the driver's side, but this was my first run in with a new cobra and I really had a fun tim. He gave me a thumbs up and a wave before I turned off and I did the same. I bet he is going for more mods in the very near future though :D

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Nope... not in the 3.0 daily.


I am just enjoying the L28 turbo before it gets pulled in favor of the 2JZ. I hope to get to it in a couple of weeks between school semesters. By the way, the T-66 turbo I am running rocks from 3800 rpms on. 13 psi with that turbo is a lot of fun :wink:

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Z-Gad, Are you serious???? You buried your speedo?


Dude...you have some serious cahonies! Although my engine is probably capable of similar speeds, my HR rated tires would fly off the wheel at 130mph and my front end would start aiming skyward at about 150mph. :shock:


What tires do you run?

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That's really awesome. He may have had a pully and a few other minor mods. How loud was the blower? If the damn thing really screamed, he probably had a 2.80" or 2.93" upper pulley. Sure makes the car haul ass. Watch out for those Kenne Bell or Procharged Cobras though. They start at the 600RWHP range and just keep going from there.

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Tires : Yokohama AVS Sport on 16" Enkie mesh wheels


The car was suprisingly stable at that speed, but I wasn't there for very long either.


L28ET, I have a possible buyer, but no $ exchanged hands yet (you know how that goes...)


I must admit, the Cobra sounded MEAN!! The exhaust note was a high pitched almost raspy sound (for a V8). It is always a satisfying feeling to see the fruits of your labor pay off...especially when you have a witness. I found out a guy from work saw it start, he tried to keep up for a while, but gave up (Honda driver) :D

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Sounds like he had an X-pipe. If it was really loud, probably a Bassani off-road X or something of the sort. Mean sounding exhausts.

That's really, really awesome though. I'll try and find out if he's on the svtperformance, modularfords, or svtsnake boards and see what he has done to the car.

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Guest bastaad525

*sigh* been having a hard time finding anyone to play with lately :(


Almost every day on my way home to work I run into either this blue, fixed up looking 60's Camaro SS, or this white, fixed up looking 60's Mustang, or both. For almost a month now me and the Camaro have been spotting each other and messing around but can't seem to get lucky enough to hit a red light with no one in front of us. The mustang guy seems to want to ignore the both of us :roll:


Really good kill Z-gad... I agree you have a lot of guts to take your car up that high. I was always under the impression that you couldn't get an s-30 Z up that fast w/o all kinds of aero mods anyways... how much power are you putting down or do you know?


I've been very interested to see how fast the turbo motor could take me... estimating 140 or so, but no way I'm gonna try it. The car seems to really hunker down after 100mph, the front airdam keeps my front end from 'lifting off', but my bushings are toasted and I worry that if I stayed on the engine like that I'd melt or blow something up.

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Moridin, the car was blue.


As far as the speed goes, well, I do not suggest doing it on a regular basis. I have only had the car that fast one other time (just to see if it would do it). This time the adrenaline was flowing and clouded my better judgement.


From a dead stop, I'm sure he would have jumped all over me, but the runs were kinda on my ground, (3rd gear rolls) where my power comes on at 4000 rpms. The large turbo and the 490 lift cam are like peanut butter and jelly and both hit at the same rpm's (3800 or so).


As for power, maybe I will go dyno the car before I pull the drivetrain. I would like to compare this motor to the 3.1 I pulled out. The biggest improvements have to be the bolt-ons (1100cfm Spearco, aluminum bend coming off of the turbo and the cam to compliment the turbo). I wish I would have had all this with the 3.1 before I sold it :cry: My HKS EVC EZ boost controller is crapping out on me now only giving me ~10 psi, but I have a replacement on the way. Maybe I should keep this car as my daily and sell the the others I have...hmmm

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