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Broken Link (X in Box) for Thumbnail in User Gallery


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What is the trick to making the broken link symbol (X in Box) go away and display a picture in the User Gallery? I've tried everything I can think of including but not limited to deleting my gallery and re-uploading it. Other people's thumbnails show up, but mine stays a broken link.


I've been trying to resolve this for a while, so I deleted the old post and redid it here. But STILL No Answer.


What's up with that?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, it's getting ridiculous now...I've deleted everything, and uploaded a TINY 27k picture, even though the properties show it on this board as being only 5k... so I know it's not that the size of the pic is too big.


Still NO RESPONSE or assistance from Site Admin, so I guess it's not worth worrying about...(to them)... :fmad:

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