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Compromise Car


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That probably best describes my LS1 conversion. The fact thtat I want the car to be my daily driver has forced me to make a bunch of compromises. Many of them after months and even years of research and agonizing.


Fuel System: I kept the stock tank so I could keep the stock level sender and simplify the installation and repair parts.

Gauges: I kept all the stock gauges so i wouldn't have to find a place to mount the gauges that would no longer fit in th estock locations because of no longer having "split" gauges (or just eliminating a couple) or having to develop new turn signal indicators.

Exhaust: The primaries and collectors are the size they are to reduce other modifications that would have been required to fit in larger ones. The exhaust combines into a single 2 1/2" because the stock gas tank precludes duals and maintaining a driveable ground clearance eliminates larger a diameter pipe. (Dr. Gas may et me past this one)

Tires: I just decided to buy some 215/55-16's going away from some much higher performance 225/50-16's because of camber and toe problems the car currently has and also to eliminate the fender well rub problem I have in the rear with 225's. In a few years when I repaint the car I'll have the fenders pulled out a bit and go to either 225's or 235's.

Wheels: I'm at 16". 15" would be better for getting good sidewall flex fro drag racing but then I'd have too much for hard cornering. 17 or 18" would look better and the real low profiles would really help with cornering but would be detrimental under heavy accelleration and definitely not much good pounding across the two sets of railroad tracks I cross twice daily.

Ride height: I've kept it stock. I've got enough problem with the 2 1/2" exhaust clearing speed bumps and driveway break-overs without lowering the car.

Roll bar: Not a roll cage. The bar stiffens the chassis in my 280 enough and it's not obtrusive like a cage would be. I still get in and out with no controtion and can actually put some groceries in the back.

Seats - Stock but leather covered. Look nice and sit pretty nice. Not as sweet as many of the aftermarket seats but easy to get in and out of multiple times a day.

Seat belts: stock rather than 4, 5 or 6 pt. They are a hassle and since I'm not racing every weekend I would end up not wearing them properly most of the time.

Air COnditioning: I have it. This is Texas. It's no fun driving the car to work and ariving sweaty. Give up some performance for comfort.

Stereo system: I have a decent one and someday it will be even nicer.

Brakes: Toyota 4x4 upgrade on front and drums on the rear. Will lock all four tires up from 80 mph and down - the first time. Cna't really justify $2K in brake upgrades when they won't stop me any faster the one time I need them on the road. If I raced all the time it would be different.

And the list goes on.

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Let's see, you want the ride of a Cadillac, comfort of a Mercedes, and acceleration & handling of a Corvette but with SUV ground clearance....all wrapped up in a 25 year old Datsun. :wink:


Piece of cake. :roll:


I'm willing to sacrifice a bit for ultimate performance, but think I can do it in something that is tame enough for a driver. Time will tell. :-D

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I think I would have made exactly the same choices, and I hardly think you are giving up much performance-wise. Your car still blows away nearly every mass-produced car on the road, and it sounds like it will be a dependable driver as well. Why not have it all?


On thing you've done that I really respect is using the factory parts like guages and fuel tank where they will do. I'm as thrilled by the look of new indiglo guages as the next guy, but you got a classic car for it's looks, why not keep that look? I appreciate the discipline it takes to look at each part and ask yourself realistically 'do I NEED to get a new one, or will this do the job?' Plus it saves a ton of $$$ if you do it right.


keep us updated on how you like the car, it's always nice to hear from people what they like as I'm planning my conversion,....any day now.....

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Having ridden in Phantoms (Bill) car I must say that it is a well thought out well executed ride. All of his points and decisions are well founded.


As far as a daily driver there is no way I could do that with my car, NO A/C in the summer time being the biggest downfall. The 5pt harnesses are a pain in the rear (but they look cool :) Shoot Bill and the girls were waiting on me to get buckeled up before leaving BransonZfest it took so long they were wondering if I was ready to go home or not haha.


Bills car is an excellet balance of power and agility. The right parts at the right places.


BTW Bill I drove my car to work to day. First drive since we came back from Branson, can you believe that???



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Guest ON3GO

i kinda wish i had your car.. yeah my green Z is nothing like that, its pretty much a race car..

now this blue Z i have here in texas is pretty much a nice daily driver, but stupid me is turboing it and etc..

man i hate being young.



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Touch the starter and he starts, clutch goes in easily and smoothly and transmission with stock shifter notches into gear. Start off in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th - pretty much whatever gear I'm in the mood for and how much shifting I want to do. 2nd, 3rd, 5th or maybe 1st, 4th, 6th - possibly WHOOHOO! 1-2-3-4-5-6!!! ride is pretty decent, wind in the face is nice with the left harm on the window ledge, left hand guiding the steering wheel and right hand resting lightly on the shifter that was custom located for my seating position and arm reach. Stereo is playing my favorite tunes (Son's christian rock 'n roll band) and suddenly the road and my concerns from work are both winding down behind me. Whoops - is that an '03 cobra up there?!?! Time to downshift.

Yes the car is a joy to drive around town and very short road trips that are entertainingly crooked. It is not a lot of fun on long Interstate runs as I have not yet figured out a cruise control system.

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