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First "kill" in street trim


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It was a dark and stormy ni....oops, wrong story.


I was stopped at a red light in town Sunday afternoon, and while I patiently awaited the change of the light (whilst enjoying the rump, rump of the high strung 289 under the bonnet), much to my delight, an AC Cobra (replica of course) turns off the adjacent corner in front of me and heads up the road ahead of me toward the interstate on-ramp. Just as he got going out of the intersection that I was waiting at, my light turned green, (and yes, this was picture perfect), I was the first car in my lane! Boom!... out of the starting gate I went to catch up with the red/white stripped beast. As he approach the on-ramp, he had to slow down to yield to other traffic, which was my opportunity to catch up to him. He obviously was an experienced driver as he immediately noticed me in his rearview mirror, and at that point seemed to loose all interest in quickly slipping in-between the right-of-way cars to continue his journey. The last car ahead of him finally went through the corner we were waiting at.... waiting.....waiting.....waiting...no more cars now to slow us down at this point.... and waiting. The Cobra's driver then takes off his baseball cap, I notice two slight puffs of smoke out both his exhausts, my pulse takes a jump, and we're off in a full drag down to the interstate. It was great! I had to let off the throttle 3 times to keep from running up the Cobra's back end before we called it quits. Later we pulled over to talk and enjoy the moment. He had a 351W, lightly modified, with a gross weight almost identical to mine. It turned into a perfect afternoon.

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The only way it could have been better is if you had been able to get around him and show him your license plate..... but I think that is outweighed by the fact you got to talk to him.... Great story.... nice little coincidence that your "first" was another ford power plant, lol.

The first time I ever saw a Cobra was in England, while waiting to walk across a street. A non-replica pulled up in front of me and assaulted my chest with its bass-note throb. I tried not to act like a schoolgirl, and yelled at the guy to ask if it was a replica.... He shot me a look.... Kinda like; if ya have to ask..... lol... but he said no, its was real. Nice shape, but definitely driven... not pampered. I have had a chubby for Cobras ever since.....

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  • 2 months later...

Nice! Man, I love your car! The only problem with your car Terry, is that it looks wicked fast standing still, even in all its primered glory. I'd be afraid to race you! Case in point, I have a buddy that used to have a pretty quick Camaro and everybody wanted to race. He surprised a lot of people. He now has C5 Vette FRC. It has Z06 Wheels etc. Not as many people mess around with him as he would like.


Nice Kill!

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Right on! No one ever challenges me any more, which has taken the fun out of a lot of the street theme. It's not that I thrive on street racing, but a hard 1-2 pull will satisfy me for a long time. A hard pull in 3rd starts getting scary for me on any street or highway. The other day, I kept waiting for a Ferarri 360 spider (can't believe anybody in Little Rock actually has one of these) to "talk" to me one day, but instead he eventually turned left into a Jeffy Lube :shock::?::shock::?:

To answer Ferd/289, my best estimate based on software and the engine's parts, I'm estimating about 395hp at 7800 rpm, but as you can see, the torque is not so hot. But with that said, it just about enough to ruin a set of 315's in 1st gear, but safely tractable in the rest of the gears, which was what I wanted. Not too much torque, but the ability to keep the torque over a wide rpm range. As soon as the paint goes on, I'm headed to the dyno here in town and verify these numbers.

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Your car is the best looking S30 I've ever seen.


With an RB26 itd be PERFECT! The Ford engine reminds me too much of a Cobra coupe (which isn't a bad thing I guess :))


Sweet ride and nice kill.

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no way an rb could complement that car and that engine bay the way that terry has dressed that 289 in there..


I dont even consider myself worthy of thinking of another engine in its place, the fact that he could've easily gone with a larger ford motor(302, 351, 429 etc..) -or gawd knows what else...- but stuck with the built 289 is like .. the blues in a picasso or mona lisa's smirk... or even the crazy guitar rifts in boc's dont fear the reaper..


Just perfect.





ps.. glad it was at least a semi worthy kill

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Guest 2slo4u

Haven't seen under the hood of that monster, but with the way he did the outside looking so sweet, I'm sure the engine looks clean also. Any pics of the engine anywhere, anyone?




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