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JTR engine not even...??

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got the 327/ wct-5 in and mounted. The motor is turned counter clockwise (looking from the front) a few degees, the drivers valve cover is maybe two inches higher the the passanger side valve cover... is the normal? I am pretty sure I have the mounts correct.


Two sets of headers and none fit... :cry:

thanks bob

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Yes, that is correct. The engine should be tilted towards the driver's side. This provides clearance for the steering shaft and, more importantly, compensates for the driver's weight.


What headers are you trying to use?

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You have your spacers on the wrong sides...I did the same thing...the larger spacer should be on the driver's side.....


I have the large spacer on the driverside tim so I think its ok...but the I read what nion said

The engine should be tilted towards the driver's side.

Nion, did u mean to say tilted towards passanger side?

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Im going home and put a level accross the valve covers.. but just eyeballing it its obvious the the driverside v-cover is higher than the pass side..wonder what i did wrong? I have the jtr book the jtr mounts and put them on as the book shows...


I have nion saying tilted towards pass side it right and tim says no tilt at all no way ...now im confused all the way :roll:

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tim..are u kidding me? The book has a missprint? omfg..are you talking about pages 2-2 ans 2-3? I dont think thats can be, dont think they can even be mounted on the opposite side..hmmm oh my god you are right! it calls the mount that shares a bolt the passanger side but then goes on to say that it uses the 2.25 bigger spacer..

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ok guys there is a a missprint...both setback plate on pages 2-2 and 2-3 say passanger..so I looked at the first on and never read the second on page 2-3...hmm so now i see that the missprint is on page 2-2...it says passanger but should say driver.


Also on page 2-4 it says the motor mount has to be cut back to clear the bolt on the setback plate that shares a bolt (5 holes not 6)...well i put this on the passanger side even though it says to put it drivers because I am still following the instructions on page 2-2 that has the error...omfg


I allready mounted the tranny jtr mount..after i fix this I hope the holes in the floorboard still match up!

ya know..jtr should mail out heads up corrections to there customers!!!

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The mis-print, if you have one, is on page 2-3. In my manual (seventh edition) the plate on page 2-2 is the passenger side and 2-3 is the driver's side. The passenger plate should have 5 holes and the driver's 6 holes. The driver's side places the holes used to mount the plate/spacer to the block 1 inch lower then the holes the motor mount bolts to. Assuming you bolt it up the way JTR says to.



I had to mount mine with the plates against the block and the spacers between the plate and the motor mount as well. If I didn't the headers wouldn't clear the spacer. I don't think it will cuase a problem. I made my own plates and had to use 3/8 instead of 5/16 because the thinner stuff wasn't available locally.



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I too had a heck of a time due to the miss print, I even think I posted a remark to it.

But I dont have my JTR book here in front of me, but I quick ran out and checked my motor because its ready to go in, anyway I have spacer than plate than mount on the passanger side but I have the plate than the spacer (wide) than the mount on the drivers side, it seems to me that is what I saw in the JTR book, I thought it odd but wanted to follow the book.

Maybe I remember wrong but I don't see how it will matter..

What do you think??


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