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carb cleaner

Guest steveo

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Guest steveo

I know some of you guys used carb cleaner to take off undercoating and stuff. I read on the can today not to expose to paint. Anyone have a problem with it. I want to clean my engine bay and there is tonnes of greasy tar like undercoating gunk all along the bottom. I tested a small area and it seems like the paint is fine.

Any opinions/suggestions?

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I may be wrong but I think carb cleaner will take paint off.

Maybe use mineral sprits (lite coatings at a time)(and some lite scraping) to take the thick undercoating and stuff off.

Then finish with the sprits and a rag once you get to the lighter goo.

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I wouldnt use carb clean to clean a nice engine bay. If your paint is nice then dont use it. It will eat away at the clear coat and leave a white residue. Carb clean tends to dry stuff out incase you didnt notice. Spray some on some plastic and it will actually make the pastic "melt". A guy at work got some on his flash light battery and it melted it self to the flash light! I thought it was funny but he didnt! :lol::D


I would try some heavy duty soap and water first. Or get some good engine degreaser and soak it a few times.




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I used carb cleaner on my '73, on the entire underbody, and it worked awesome. First I'd use a heat gun and putty knife to get most of it, and then finish up with carb cleaner. For the most part it was on the factory etching primer, but I did use it on some parts of the engine bay as well. The only time I've run into problems is when there's bomb spray on it, and not the hardended factory stuff.

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I used Kerosene to remove the undercoating. I did the heat gun / scraper to get the main part off, then put kerosene on a rag, let it soak on the remaining stuff, then just wiped it off. It took a little elbow grease, but it worked well. Just be sure to have good ventilation and to dispose of the rags carefully. Oh, I guess I should mentions, NO SMOKING :D



- Joe

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